
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

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Published online on ResetDoc, 2/2/2017



In today’s Egypt, a stronger foundation for political violence

Political repression in Egypt ravaged the Jama’at al Ikhwan al Muslimiin, the Muslim Brotherhood, formerly the strongest and most organized opposition group in the country. In today’s Egypt, the youth no longer recognize the old administration. They no longer believe in the non-violent tactics preached by the Brotherhood’s exiled former leadership,  like Mahmud ‘Ezzat and Ibrahim Munir.

Titre original : “In Today’s Egypt Stronger Roots for Political Violence”


La répression politique en Égypte a ravagé la Jama’at al Ikhwan al Muslimiin, les Frères musulmans, autrefois le groupe d’opposition le plus fort et le plus organisé du pays. Dans l’Égypte d’aujourd’hui, les jeunes ne reconnaissent plus l’ancienne administration. Ils ne croient plus aux tactiques non violentes prêchées par les anciens dirigeants exilés de la “Fraternité”, comme Mahmud ‘Ezzat et Ibrahim Munir.

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