6 juillet 2023 au 8 juillet 2023


Universität Bonn
Justice / International Meeting on Comparative Theology
The International Meeting on Comparative Theology is an annual conference aimed at connecting PhD students and young researchers working in the field of Comparative Theology all around the world. Since 2016, it provides a space for exchange of ideas and is convened by the Center for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies at Paderborn University and the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues at the University of Bonn.
Annual Theme 2023
Justice is a central term in the major religious traditions as well as in secular politics. The call for justice is regularly invoked when people demand their rights for a better future. In the name of justice, the status quo is questioned, inequalities are revealed and criticized. While the fight against injustice might unite believers and non-believers, theists often confess justice as a divine attribute. This provokes a series of questions: What unites and what separates the different applications of the term justice? How are divine and human justice linked? Is a meaningful use of the concept possible across religious faiths?
The Call for Papers invites researchers to send their proposals, focusing on one of the following or related topics from a comparative perspective:
- Justice as a divine attribute
- Justice in its relation to mercy
- Liberation theologies and the role of religions in current struggles for justice
- Religion as an obstacle to justice
- Theological perspectives on secular concepts of justice
- Religious roots of secular concepts of justice
The Conference welcomes proposals from PhD students as well as postdocs. Please send an electronic abstract of your paper (max. 500 words) for review by January 30 to lwiesenh@uni-bonn.de. Invitations to attend will be sent out by February 15. Accommodation for the speakers will be provided, limited funding for travel expenses can be granted if no own sources of funding are available. The best papers presented at the Conference will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Download the PDF call for paper

The International Meeting on Comparative Theology is an annual conference aimed at connecting PhD students and young researchers working in the field of Comparative Theology all around the world. Since 2016, it provides a space for exchange of ideas and is convened by the Center for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies at Paderborn University and the International Center for Comparative Theology and Social Issues at the University of Bonn.
Annual Theme 2023
Justice is a central term in the major religious traditions as well as in secular politics. The call for justice is regularly invoked when people demand their rights for a better future. In the name of justice, the status quo is questioned, inequalities are revealed and criticized. While the fight against injustice might unite believers and non-believers, theists often confess justice as a divine attribute. This provokes a series of questions: What unites and what separates the different applications of the term justice? How are divine and human justice linked? Is a meaningful use of the concept possible across religious faiths?
The Call for Papers invites researchers to send their proposals, focusing on one of the following or related topics from a comparative perspective:
- Justice as a divine attribute
- Justice in its relation to mercy
- Liberation theologies and the role of religions in current struggles for justice
- Religion as an obstacle to justice
- Theological perspectives on secular concepts of justice
- Religious roots of secular concepts of justice
The Conference welcomes proposals from PhD students as well as postdocs. Please send an electronic abstract of your paper (max. 500 words) for review by January 30 to lwiesenh@uni-bonn.de. Invitations to attend will be sent out by February 15. Accommodation for the speakers will be provided, limited funding for travel expenses can be granted if no own sources of funding are available. The best papers presented at the Conference will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.
Download the PDF call for paper