
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Islam ‒ Knowledge ‒ Power. Interactions from a Theological and Historical Perspective.

The establishment of Muslim knowledge production at European universities lies at the center of two conflicting views: religious and academic freedom on the one hand, and political interest in religion on the other hand. The question of the relationship between theology and politics is not unknown in history : Islamic knowledge has been organized and constructed according to political contexts since the formative period of Islam. Hence, it has constantly been subject to religious, cultural and ideological expectations. From the position and interpretation of the Qur’an and Sunna, the distinction between Muslim/non-Muslim, orthodox/heterodox or the readjustment of Islamic-theological knowledge after a change of power to the establishment of modern nation states, there are numerous examples of the conjunction of religious and political discourse in the Islamic world. The conference aims to reflect on the development of Islamic knowledge and its relationship with the discursive and political order. In doing so, both historical and contemporary issues are raised: What positions exist in the tradition and present time on the relationship between Islamic theology and political order? How did and how do Qur’anic exegesis, Islamic law and Kalam for example deal with ruling systems?
  • For more information: link

Les inscriptions sont possibles jusqu’au 14 février 2017.

  • Pour plus d’informations : lien

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