Juan Macias Amoretti
Lecturer in Arabic and Islamic Studies
Samir Arbache
Professeur en théologie et histoire des religions
Dominique Avon
Director of studies at the EPHE (École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL) and director of the IISMM (Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World).
Michele Brignone
Executive Director of the Oasis Foundation, Professor at the Catholic University of Milan
Diego Sarrió Cucarella
Antonio Cuciniello
Chercheur en histoire des pays islamiques
Jean Druel
Researcher at the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies (IDEO), Cairo.
Yosra Garmi
Temporary Teaching and Research Attaché (ATER) in Arab Studies
Ahmed Gomaa
Doctor in codicology and researcher at the Centre for the Edition of Heritage Texts – Al-Azhar University in Cairo.
René-Vincent Du Grandlaunay
Director of the library of IDEO
Mohamed-Ali Mostfa
Maître de conférences sur le monde arabo-musulman et les représentations interculturelles
Agata S. Nalborczyk
Head of the Department for European Islam Studies, Faculty of Oriental Studies – University of Warsaw.
Amany Fouad Salib
Associate Researcher at the Centre of Research on Immigration, Ethnicity and Citizenship
Davide Tacchini
Research Fellow at Friedrich-Schiller- Universität (Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies)
Stéphane Valter
Ida Zilio-Grandi
Professor of Arabic language and litterature – Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, IT
Mercy, a new opportunity for dialogue between Muslims and Christians
Original title : La Misericordia, nueva oportunidad para el diálogo entre musulmanes y cristianos Abstract The common concept of mercy needs a clarification in its meaning for Christians and Muslims. This a...
Otherness And Spatial Dimension In The Arabic Language And Culture
Etymologically, the noun âkhar from the verb âkhara, rather draws the action of postponing, أَخَّرَ العَمَلَ, or temporarily deprogramming an action. al-âkhar on some other hand does not establish a binary ...
The Oromo and the historical process of Islamisation in Ethiopia
Abstract The historical interaction between Islam and Christianity in the Horn of Africa is profoundly connected with the region’s specifi c historical, linguistic and cultural characteristics. While the we...
Arab and islamic humour
First lines of the introduction “The stereotype of the grim-faced Arab brandishing a scimitar is part of our collective imagination and is the result of centuries of struggle between the two sides of ...
MIDÉO No. 37: Recitation in the early centuries of Islam
The Foundations of Arabic Grammatical Theory
Cairo. In a lecture delivered in Arabic on Saturday, January 25, 2025, at the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies (IDEO) in Cairo, Professor Ramzi Baalbaki, holder of the Chair of Arabic Studies ...
For a dialogical theological fraternity: a rereading of the Document on Human Fraternity in light of the earliest Arabic theological writings
From the 8th century onwards, the first theological writings were composed in Arabic, either in Christian communities or in Muslim communities. This communication aims, through the study of these early Chri...
Diploma in Arabic and Islamic Studies
Diploma obtained at the end of the first year of the Licence It offers students an in-depth study of the Arabic language, Islam Studies and data relating to Islamic-Christian dialogue. https://fr.pisai.it/f...
Licenciate in Arabic Studies and Islamic Studies
The conviction which motivates PISAI is that the Christian task to meet face to face with Muslims should be based not solely on subjective good will but also on an objective, scientifically grounded knowled...
Doctorate in Arabic and Islamic Studies
The Doctorate requires a minimum of three years to complete. Applicants must hold a Licentiate in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the rank of Summa cum Laude or an equivalent qualification. Admission is gover...