
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Marta González García de Paredes

Marta González García de Paredes is a lecturer on the Middle East at the Department of International Studies of Loyola University, and holds a PhD in Social Sciences from the University of Granada (2021). During her predoctoral internship, which she carried out with an FPI grant at the Institute of Advanced Social Studies of the Spanish National Council for Scientific Research (IESA-CSIC), she conducted research on the transformation of parliamentary representation in Morocco through a case study on youth quotas, as well as on the political participation of youth in the Maghreb. She is currently working on political change through the process of generational renewal, as well as on integration and socio-cultural diversity in the border cities of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Affiliation institution(s)

Member of the Research group

Facultad de Teologia de la Universidad Loyola - Spain

Islam and society in contemporary Spain (Granada)

Because the presence of Muslim communities in Spain is relatively recent, and because there is not a long tradition of theological study of Islam, we want to start our dialogue with the Islamic tradition by understanding the characteristics of Islam of Spain and the way it interacts with the rest of the Spanish society. Our […]

Researchers of this group


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