
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Elisa Klapheck

Elisa Klapheck is rabbi of the liberal synagogue community “Egalitary Minjan” in the Jewish community of Frankfurt am Main and professor of Jewish studies at the Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies (ZeKK) at the University of Paderborn.

Before her ordination in 2004, the political scientist worked for years as a journalist for daily newspapers such as “Der Tagesspiegel” and “Die tageszeitung” as well as for radio and television. In 1997, she became a spokesperson for the Jewish community in Berlin and editor-in-chief of the magazine “Jewisches Berlin”.
Klapheck has been committed to renewing the Jewish religious tradition since the 1990s. She was one of the co-founders of the liberal Oranienburger Strasse synagogue in Berlin. In 1999, largely due to her initiative “Bet Debora”, a first “conference of European rabbis, cantors and rabbinically educated Jews” was held. The conference was held three times in Berlin and has since been held in other European cities.

Member of the Research group

Universität Bonn - Germany

Religion and temporality (Bonn, Germany)

Religion and temporality intersect in profound ways, shaping individuals, societies, and the course of history. From the cyclical rhythms of ritual and sacred time to the eschatological visions of the future, from historical narratives embedded within religious traditions to contemporary challenges of globalization and rapid change. Through theological approaches to time as progress and narratives […]

Researchers of this group

Member of the Research group

Universität Bonn - Germany

Theology of Prophecy in Dialogue (Bonn) (closed)

Research group of the University of Paderborn.
The Qur’anic approach to prophecy challenges Jewish and Christian perspectives for a variety of reasons. The Qur’an seems to have some concrete features of prophets in mind that are not completely coherent with the Biblical tradition. Moreover, it is the selection of prophets within the Qur’an that is idiosyncratic and confusing from Jewish and Christian perspectives. For example, important prophets, such as Isaiah and Jeremiah, do not appear by name in the Qurʾan but Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, considered as patriarchs in the Bible, are named prophets in the Qur´an.

Researchers of this group


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Fadl Allāh. The concept of “grace” in the Quran, similarity and contrast with the Bible


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