
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Mohamed Gamal Ali

Ph.D. student in political science at Cairo University, specializing in the field of religion and politics in the Middle East. Interested in the issues of religious policies of the state, state-religion relations, and the religious forces’ behavior in the public sphere in Middle Eastern countries.

Works as a human rights researcher on the issue of religious freedom at the “Egyptian Initiative for Human Rights” (EIPR) centre.

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Resources related toFreedom of Religion


The Mihna. Deconstruction and reconsideration of the Mu’tazilite role in the “Inquisition

  • Marco Demichelis

Abstract The Miḥna has usually been attributed to the Mu‘tazilite theological school as expression of something unusual, a bid‘ah (Islamic innovation) related to a rationalist group of theologia...


El islam en Europa occidental. Panorama socio-histórico y modelos de “integración”


Summary This article starts unfolding a brief outline of the history of the relations between Islam and Europe from four geographical view points and four ages: Spain (VIII century), Central Europ...


The right of religious freedom between the two shores of the Mediterranean: dynamics and perspectives (Italian)

  • Alessandro Ferrari

Speaker: Prof. Alessandro Ferrari Moderator: P. Laurent Basanese, S.J. Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, November 19th, 2018 Original title : "È diritto di libertà religiosa tra le due spo...


The legal status of non-Muslims in Algeria. The example of evangelicals and Ahmadis.

  • Zohra Aziadé Zemirli

This book, which focuses on the situation before 2019, provides keys to explaining the origins of the popular protest movement, the hirak. It shows how the State controls the society, which is pred...


The Ḏhimmī as the Other of Multiple Convivencias in al-Andalus

  • Raja Sakrani

The figure of ḏhimmī is certainly the most emblematic juristic figure in the history of Islamic law. Strangely, it also has the juristic status of being the most ambiguous and complex, as it lacks a ...


Invertebrate Islam in Catalonia: a problematic anchor

  • José Luis Llaquet de Entrambasaguas

Original title : Invertebrate Islam in Catalonia: a problematic anchor Abstract In this paper I study the presence of Islam in the history and present of Catalonia, fundamentally analyzing it...


Circumcision and EU citizenship

  • Antonio Angelucci

Original title : "Circoncisione e cittadinanza europea" Abstract Circumcision is a practice that mainly conforms to Jewish and Muslim religious identities. However, some documents of the Parl...


From the Declaration “Nostra Aetate” to the Document of Abu Dhabi: Reexamining a Historical and Theological Trajectory in the Catholic Approach to Islamic-Christian Dialogue

  • Jean-Jacques Pérennès

Jean Jacques Pérennès, former director of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, proposes a re-examination of the Catholic approach to Islamic-Christian dialogue, from the Nost...