
University platform for research on Islam

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Justin Jones

Associate Professor in the Study of Religion, Faculty of Theology and Religion.

A historian by training, my research focuses upon religious and social transformation within modern Islam, with particular reference to the Indian subcontinent. Much of my previous published research has focused upon Shi‘i Islam in South Asia, including themes such as Shi‘i clerical revivalism, religious writing and practice, martyrology, and Shi‘i politics. This research led to my monograph Shi‘a Islam in Colonial India (2012), edited volume The Shi‘a in Modern South Asia (2014), and other writings. I have also published several pieces on the social and cultural histories of ‘Muslim’ urban centres in north India, especially Lucknow and the region’s rural townships (qasbas).

I am also tutorial fellow in Theology and Religion at Pembroke College, where I am coordinator of the ‘Religion and the Frontier Challenges’ postdoctoral research programme.

Source : University of Oxford

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