
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Henar Pizzaro

Associate Professor at the International Relations Department of the Universidad Pontificia Comillas. She is a member of the University Institute “The Court in Europe” (IULCE) belonging to the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She has participated in various R+D projects related to this institute and is co-author of several collective works that study the courts of Carlos V, Felipe II, Felipe III and Felipe IV. Director of the book series “Texts for a Millennium”, promoted by the Order of Mount Carmel, she has carried out several studies on the history of the Carmelites. Author of the book A great patron at the court of Philip II. Gaspar de Quiroga, has continued to develop works that deal with the history of the Spanish Inquisition. In recent years, the publication of the three volumes entitled Los jesuitas. Religión, política y educación (siglos XVI-XVIII) (J. Martínez Millán, H. Pizarro Llorente, E. Jiménez Pablo (Eds.) Madrid 2012), as well as the research carried out in relation to Juan Bautista Vives and the foundation of Propaganda Fide.

Source: Comillas Blog of International Relations

Member of the Research group

Universidad Pontificia Comillas - Spain

HIWAR – Building bridges with Islam (Madrid)

Project HIWAR was conceived on the grounds of a group of researchers from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas that had the committed dedication to converse, get closer to and build bridges with Islam. Making the most of the experience of inter-religious dialogue that the Society of Jesus has been developing from General Congregation 34, this group aims to deepen the experience involved in sharing those values that unite us with other religious denominations in general and in particular with Islam.

Researchers of this group


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Resources related toPhilosophy


The document on human fraternity: a new horizon for Islamic-Christian dialogue? (Italian)

  • Adnane Mokrani
  • Laurent Basanese
  • Valentino Cottini

Lecturers : Adnane Mokrani, P. Laurent Basanese S.J. Moderator: Valentino Cottini   Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, April 8th, 2019 This conference marks the launch of the r...


The historical debate on secularisation between F. Antun and M. Abduh.

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Philosophical mediation, the case of al-Fārābī

  • Yosra Garmi

Lecture given on 14 October 2021 at the Catholic University of Lyon during the conference « Radicalisation leading to violence in the name of Islam, Epistemological, methodological and ethical appr...


Islamic violence: immigration, radicalism, dialogue between civilizations

  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa

Ali MOSTFA is interviewed during the Conference "The Narrative of Islamic Violence in History. Creation, Artifice and Reality" at the University of Navarra in december 2018.


Europe challenged by the Middle East conflict

  • Jaume Flaquer Garcia

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Islam and Belonging. Proceedings of the PLURIEL 2nd International Congress

  • Michel Younès
  • Anna Hager
  • Laurent Basanese
  • Diego Sarrió Cucarella

After its first international congress in Lyon from 6 to 9 September 2016 on the theme “Islam in the Plural: Faith, Thought, Society”[1], the current study brings together the proceedin...


The 19th century as a new ‘axial era’. Some epistemological aspects of the authority crisis

  • Michaela Quast-Neulinger

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For a systemic theology of Christian-Islamic dialogue

  • Michel Younès

First International Congress of the University Platform for Research on Islam in Europe and Lebanon (PLURIEL): theological area Speaker: Michel Younès, coordinator of PLURIEL, professor of theol...