
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d’Islamistica

Christian Theological Engagement with Islam: a Study Day at PISAI

This hybrid event seeks to promote Christian theological reflection on Islam by offering opportunity for discussion of some of the many essays in this field recently published in the 2022 volume of PISAI’s journal Islamochristiana. Topics covered included current academic debates about Islamic origins, Muslim approaches to the Bible, and the death and resurrection of Jesus in the Qurʾān. The first session will feature a panel discussion involving Muslim and Christian scholars on “Muslims, Christians and Law” prompted by Joshua Ralston’s Law and the Rule of God: A Christian Engagement with Sharīʿa (Cambridge University Press, 2020). In the second session Gavin D’Costa will deliver a lecture.

Cet événement hybride vise à promouvoir la réflexion théologique chrétienne sur l’islam en offrant l’occasion de discuter de certains des nombreux essais publiés récemment dans ce domaine, dans le volume 2022 de la revue Islamochristiana du PISAI. Les sujets abordés comprennent les débats universitaires actuels sur les origines de l’islam, les approches musulmanes de la Bible, ainsi que la mort et la résurrection de Jésus dans le Coran. La première session comprendra une table ronde réunissant des chercheurs musulmans et chrétiens sur le thème “Musulmans, chrétiens et droit”, inspirée de l’ouvrage de Joshua Ralston intitulé “Law and the Rule of God: A Christian Engagement with Sharīʿa” (Presses universitaires de Cambridge, 2020). Dans la deuxième session, Gavin D’Costa donnera une conférence intitulée “Christian Theological Engagement with Islam: Surveying the Field and Looking Ahead”.

Resources related toMuslim-Christian Dialogue


Theology of Differences: New Perspectives for the Franciscan Mission of Dialogue with Islam

  • Stefano Luca

“We cannot escape, especially today, the provocation that comes from interreligious encounter. The future of humanity is linked to the ability to embrace differences.”


Islamochristiana Journal 49 (2024): “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture”

  • David Marshall
  • Diego Sarrió Cucarella
  • Rémi Caucanas
  • Michel Younès
  • Geneviève Gobillot
  • Florence Javel
  • Yosra Garmi
  • Tobias Specker

The title of this issue, “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture,” was suggested to us by a collection of articles that highlight different aspects of the relati...


Online Symposium: Islamic Origins & Christian Theological Engagement with Islam

  • Diego Sarrió Cucarella
  • Gabriel Said Reynolds
  • Michel Younès
  • David Marshall

Panelists David Marshall, University of Bern (Moderator), Guest Editor of Islamochristiana Martin Accad, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Daniel Brown, ISRME Diego Sarrio Cucarella, PISAI Sa...


From the Declaration “Nostra Aetate” to the Document of Abu Dhabi: Reexamining a Historical and Theological Trajectory in the Catholic Approach to Islamic-Christian Dialogue

  • Jean-Jacques Pérennès

Jean Jacques Pérennès, former director of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, proposes a re-examination of the Catholic approach to Islamic-Christian dialogue, from the Nost...


Azharis, Representations of Christianity, and the Vagaries of Islamic-Christian Dialogue (1930s-2020s)

  • Dominique Avon

Dominique Avon, Director of Studies at the École pratique des hautes études, traces the evolution of the discourse of the ulama of al-Azhar on Christianity since the 1930s. Confronted with the colo...


Not without others: recognition of others and unity in Christ – on the relationship between mission and dialogue

  • Tobias Specker

Article published in the missiology journal ZMR 106 (2022/1-4), double issue: “Evangelisation and Fraternity in the Plural World


Normativity of Holy Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

  • Klaus von Stosch
  • Zishan Ahmad Ghaffar

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the orientation towards “holy texts” is central. While in the past it was undisputed that these texts could be understood as directly given by God an...


Luther and Mohammed. Western European Protestantism and Islam (16th-18th centuries)

  • Pierre-Olivier Léchot

Publisher’s presentation Autumn 1611: while visiting France, a young Dutch Protestant student refines his knowledge of Arabic with a Muslim of Castilian origin he met in the Paris region. Tho...