to 15/07/25 to 23/07/25
Cairo: Registration Open for 2025 Summer School “Citizenship and Religious Pluralism”
As part of the Anawati Chair “Combating Religious Extremism through Interfaith Dialogue”, the Dominican Institute for Oriental Studies in Cairo, in partnership with the University of Insubria (V...
Christian Theological Engagement with Islam: a Study Day at PISAI
This hybrid event seeks to promote Christian theological reflection on Islam by offering opportunity for discussion of some of the many essays in this field recently published in the 2022 volume of PISAI’s ...
to 06/07/23 to 08/07/23
Justice / International Meeting on Comparative Theology
The International Meeting on Comparative Theology is an annual conference aimed at connecting PhD students and young researchers working in the field of Comparative Theology all around the world. Since 2016...
DEADLINE : 30/01/23
Justice / Call for papers
International Meeting on Comparative Theology University of Bonn6-8 July, 2023 The International Meeting on Comparative Theology is an annual conference aimed at connecting PhD students and young resea...
REDESM Doctorales
Centre de recherche REDESM / Research Centre Séminaires en ligne pour les doctorants / Phd Candidates Seminars Édition 2022 1/ Droits et sociétés – Law and Societies Date: 9 mai 2022, 1...
to 02/12/21 to 03/12/21
International conference “Religion, State, and Law”
Les 2 et 3 décembre 2021, l’Université de Graz accueille le colloque international “Religion, État et droit : Défis nationaux, transnationaux et internationaux”. Il est organisée par la Fa...
to 24/09/21 to 19/10/21
PriMED Webinars : Religion, Law and Economy in the Mediterranean Space
The PriMED Project, in partnership with the Research Centre “Religion, Law and Economics in the Mediterranean Space” (REDESM, University of Insubria) are organising a new online conference progr...
to 14/04/21 to 26/05/21
Webinars on the prevention of religious radicalisation
The Research Centre “Religions, Rights and Economy in the Mediterranean Area” (REDESM), based at the Università degli Studi dell’Insubria in cooperation with the PriMED project to prevent ...
Webinar ‘Islam & Otherness – Focus Lebanon’ April 13th, 2021
To open the 3rd International Congress of PLURIEL, which will exceptionally extend over two years, we are offering a one-afternoon webinar on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm. The jurist Raja...
Comparative study on religious freedom across the two Mediterranean shores (Como and Varese)
The Research Centre “Religion, Law and Economy in the Mediterranean Area” (“Religioni, Diritti ed Economie nello Spazio Mediterraneo” – REDESM), established within the University of Insubria, aims to foster...
HIWAR – Building bridges with Islam (Madrid)
Project HIWAR was conceived on the grounds of a group of researchers from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas that had the committed dedication to converse, get closer to and build bridges with Islam. Makin...
Catholic Theology in dialogue with Islam (Frankfurt)
Catholic theology in Europe is increasingly confronted with the questions and criticisms of Muslim intellectuals who, in particular, point out the convergences between the two religions. The research projec...
Islam and society in contemporary Spain (Granada)
Because the presence of Muslim communities in Spain is relatively recent, and because there is not a long tradition of theological study of Islam, we want to start our dialogue with the Islamic tradition by...