
Plateforme universitaire de recherche sur l’islam

Initiée par la
des universités

Soutenue par
la fédération
des universités

Imagining the Other. Theo-Political Challenges in an Age of Migration (July 10 – 13, 2019)

The international Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R, invites for its annual conference which will be hosted by the Theological Faculty / University of Innsbruck from July 10 – 13, 2019.

We live in an age of – often forced – migration with its special challenges. How we imagine and how we image “the Other”, is a decisive element in the (theo-)politics of exclusion and desire that feed on these challenges. Aware that imagination is a mimetic process, the 2019 conference of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R) wants to address these challenges by trying to illumine different aspects of this complex entanglement, asking whom or what we mean by “the other”: the stranger and migrant, the brother or sister, nature that envelops or defies us, the transcendent Other to whom religions refer or the other sex or gender …?

As this incomplete enumeration shows, Imagining the Other widens the conference’s range of topics beyond its stated theme of migration to other fields of interest for the Colloquium, including religious difference and its theo-political implications. Thus COV&R has published a Call for Papers (date of submission: March 31, 2019), please see

Raymund Schwager, S.J., Memorial Essay Contest

To honor the memory of Raymund SCHWAGER, SJ (+ 2004), the Colloquium on Violence and Religion is offering an award of $1,500 shared by up to three persons for the three best papers given by graduate students at the COV&R meeting. For details please see

The international Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R, invites for its annual conference which will be hosted by the Theological Faculty / University of Innsbruck from July 10 – 13, 2019.

We live in an age of – often forced – migration with its special challenges. How we imagine and how we image “the Other”, is a decisive element in the (theo-)politics of exclusion and desire that feed on these challenges. Aware that imagination is a mimetic process, the 2019 conference of the Colloquium on Violence and Religion (COV&R) wants to address these challenges by trying to illumine different aspects of this complex entanglement, asking whom or what we mean by “the other”: the stranger and migrant, the brother or sister, nature that envelops or defies us, the transcendent Other to whom religions refer or the other sex or gender …?

As this incomplete enumeration shows, Imagining the Other widens the conference’s range of topics beyond its stated theme of migration to other fields of interest for the Colloquium, including religious difference and its theo-political implications. Thus COV&R has published a Call for Papers (date of submission: March 31, 2019), please see

Raymund Schwager, S.J., Memorial Essay Contest

To honor the memory of Raymund SCHWAGER, SJ (+ 2004), the Colloquium on Violence and Religion is offering an award of $1,500 shared by up to three persons for the three best papers given by graduate students at the COV&R meeting. For details please see

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