
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Souraya Bechealany

Dr. Bechealany holds two Doctorate degrees in Theology, from the Jesuit University in Paris (Centre Sèvres) and in Religious Studies from Saint Joseph University of Beirut. She is a professor and researcher at the Faculty of Religious Studies at the University of Saint Joseph in Beirut. She’s a member to the board of Directors of several Centers for research and Publications on Eastern Christianity.

She was Secretary General of the Middle East Council of Churches (MECC) from 2018 to 2020.

Member of the Research group

Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth - Lebanon

Theological perception of the other and cross-views in a plural religious context (Beirut)

Comparative study of university curricula on religious pluralism and dialogue in Lebanon

Researchers of this group


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Resources related toEastern Christianism


The concept of “citizenship” in the Azhari discourse. Problems and contradictions

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The concept of "citizenship" in the Al-Azhar discourse, problems and contradictions Al-Azhar Foundation announces on various occasions its full adoption of the concept of “citizenship,” and the ...


Education And Otherness: What are the Issues in a Context of Diversity?

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Understanding freedom of religion around the Mediterranean

  • Alessandro Ferrari
  • Amin Elias

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Otherness and nationalisms, the threat of identity to openness

  • Antoine Fleyfel

This talk addresses the issue of Islam and otherness from the perspective of Christians in the Middle East. At the heart of the multiple constructions of identity since the mid-nineteenth century i...


The apocatastasis will save us all. The transition towards a shared ethical approach from christian patristic to early islamic theology and philosophy

  • Marco Demichelis

Abstract I intend to deepen through this paper a comparative analysis between Greek cosmology, Christian Patristic and Early Islamic theology. Origen, Gregory of Nyssa, Clement of Alexandria and...


In search of a comparative Christian social thought. A methodological proposal

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