
Plateforme universitaire de recherche sur l’islam

Initiée par la
des universités

Soutenue par
la fédération
des universités


Universität Paderborn

Relance de l’appel à contribution sur le thème « Amitié »

5ème colloque de théologie comparée de l’Université de Paderborn. Les 10 et 11 juin 2021.

The concept of friendship, while present in all the world religions, has not yet been adopted as a major category of reflection in comparative theology. However, in the context of comparative theological endeavors, ‘friendship’ seems to be an interesting and challenging term on two levels: On the one hand, ‘friendship’ can be understood as a dogmatic concept that may be helpful to understand questions such as the God-human-relationship, revelation, guidance and salvation. On the other hand, ‘friendship’ can be understood as a hermeneutical key to interreligious encounters in the sense of a mutual empowerment – even in the face of disagreements.

The fifth Paderborn Conference on Comparative Theology (PCCT) takes place from June 10thuntil June 11th in 2021 and it will address the theme of friendship from an interreligious perspective. On account of the uncertainties arising as a result of Covid-19, we will have a hybrid format of analog and digital lectures. If it is possible to travel to Paderborn, the Centre of Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies will cover the cost of housing in Paderborn for the duration of the conference. Alternatively, it will be possible for participants to join the conference digitally.

The call for papers invites theologians and philosophers from all religious backgrounds to present an approach to the concept of friendship within a methodological framework of contemporary comparative theology. The conference welcomes proposals from PhD students (3rdyear upwards) as well as postdocs. Please send an electronic abstract of your paper (2 pages max.) for review by March 12th. Invitations to attend will be sent out by March 26th.

Dr. Cordula Heupts
Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies Warburger Straße 100
33098 Paderborn

Conference on Comparative Theology 2021, June 10th-11th

University of Paderborn – Department of Comparative Theology

The concept of friendship, while present in all the world religions, has not yet been adopted as a major category of reflection in comparative theology. However, in the context of comparative theological endeavors, ‘friendship’ seems to be an interesting and challenging term on two levels: On the one hand, ‘friendship’ can be understood as a dogmatic concept that may be helpful to understand questions such as the God-human-relationship, revelation, guidance and salvation. On the other hand, ‘friendship’ can be understood as a hermeneutical key to interreligious encounters in the sense of a mutual empowerment – even in the face of disagreements.

The fifth Paderborn Conference on Comparative Theology (PCCT) takes place from June 10th – 11th 2021 and will address the theme of friendship from an interreligious perspective. On account of the uncertainties arising as a result of Covid-19, we will have a hybrid format of analog and digital lectures. If it is possible to travel to Paderborn, the Centre of Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies will cover the cost of housing in Paderborn for the duration of the conference. Alternatively, it will be possible for participants to join the conference digitally.

The call for papers invites theologians and philosophers from all religious backgrounds to present an approach to the concept of friendship within a methodological framework of contemporary comparative theology. The conference welcomes proposals from Ph.D. students (3rd year upwards) as well as postdocs. Please send an electronic abstract of your paper (2 pages max.) for review by March 12th. Invitations to attend will be sent out by March 26th.

Dr. Cordula Heupts
Centre for Comparative Theology and Cultural Studies Warburger Straße 100
33098 Paderborn

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