to 24/06/25 to 26/06/25
International Conference “Muslim Chaplaincy. Practice, Research and Recognition”
Switzerland. The Swiss Centre for Islam and Society is organizing an international conference titled “Muslim Chaplaincy: Practices, Research and Recognition” from June 24-26, 2025, at the Univer...
Conference “Christian Thought, Muslim Thought, and Societal Issues” with Michel Younès and Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi
Launch event for the “Theologies in Dialogue” chair on the theme “Christian thought, Muslim thought and societal issues” on Wednesday, September 25 at 6:30 PM at the Carnot campus of...
European Student Study Week on Islamic-Christian Relations “Bridging Intercultural Societies for Peace in Turbulent Times”
From June 30 to July 6, 2024 in Granada, Spain. Registration form: Information : Maryam Ballout ( Director: Jaime Flaquer, member of the ...
Muslim spiritual guidance in the interfaith and secular context
Conference organised by the Swiss Center for Islam & Society Muslim chaplaincy in public institutions in Switzerland was born in response to a concrete need. On the one hand, it is situated at the thres...
to 30/05/22 to 31/05/22
International Conference On the Future of Islamic-theological Studies
The Swiss Centre for Islam and Society (University of Fribourg) is organising a conference in Zurich on 9 and 10 February 30 and 31 May 2022 on the theme “On the Future of a Young Discipline – I...