
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Cornelia Dockter

Dr. Cornelia Dockter studied Catholic theology and Spanish at the University of Cologne from 2006 to 2012 and finished her studies in July 2012 with the state examination. Since December 2012, she has been working on her doctorate in Catholic theology at the University of Paderborn with Prof. Dr. Klaus von Stosch and has been working as a research assistant there. Since 2021, she has been a member of the Chair for Systematic Theology with a focus on social challenges at the new “Centre for Comparative Theology and Social Issues” (CTSI) at the University of Bonn.

Dr. Cornelia Dockter was awarded the Friedrich Spee Prize 2020 for her thesis “Word in the Spirit. On the meaning of Jesus Christ in Christianity and Islam”. In it she compares the concepts of Logos and Christological Spirit with the Qur’anic categories of the Word and Spirit of God.

Affiliation institution(s)

Member of the Research group

Universität Paderborn - Germany

Qur’anic Approaches to Jesus Christ in the Perspective of Comparative Theology (Closed)

The project will therefore scrutinize whether it is feasible, from a particularly Christian perspective, to recognize the Quranic appreciations of Jesus of Nazareth as a form of Christology, which could possibly be saying something valuable to Christians. In accordance with that thought one can also ask, whether the Christian faith could accommodate to a certain extend the depiction of Jesus of Nazareth in the Quran within its own frame of belief and could the peculiarity of this approach be regarded as an enrichment of the Christian identity. Similarly, a Muslim Comparative Theology should discuss the question whether the relationship between the Christian confession of Jesus as the Christ and the Quranic statements about Jesus can be reviewed on the grounds of offering a new understanding of Jesus to Islamic thought.

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