
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Karim Ifrak

Doctor of the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris), Karim IFRAK is an Islamologist, researcher at the CNRS (Paris), specialist in the history of texts, the life of thought in Muslim worlds, globalized Islam and contemporary ideologies. Member of several research societies and international research groups, he lectures in the USA, Europe, Central Asia, the Maghreb and the Middle East.

Member of the Research group

Institut Catholique de Paris - France

Dialogue between diverse cultural and religious ways of thinking (Closed)

e are always East or West of another culture. What happens when cultures meet? What happens when a Chinese person encounters a European line of thought or speech, the structures of which have been built and developed over centuries? Similarly, what happens when a Western individual encounters a Chinese idea, born out of a Chinese culture that has also been built and developed over centuries? Is it enough to know the language?

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Resources related toLiberal Islam


The historical debate on secularisation between F. Antun and M. Abduh.

  • Marco Demichelis

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God and man in the teachings of the anatolian alevis

  • Timo Güzelmansur

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In search of an aggiornamento of Islam. Contemporary approaches

  • Wael Saleh

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The civilizational vocation of Islam in the work of Malek Bennabi

  • Jamel El Hamri

Original Title : La vocation civilisationnelle de l'islam dans l'oeuvre de Malek Bennabi This is an injunction for Muslim society to make history. Rather little recognised in his time and still ...


Inner Islam, passion and disenchantment

Publisher’s Introduction The contemporary evolution of Islam worries or fascinates. It involves millions of believers, living in societies with a Muslim “tradition” in the midst o...


God believes in man: with Islam, towards a new humanism

  • Mouhanad Khorchide

The message of Mouhanad Khorchide is clear: we need a global humanism that pays tribute to the people as a global family. By recognizing its own potential, Islam can make a decisive contribution. M...


Islamic Reformist Thought in Western Europe: Zakat for Non-Muslims as an Illustration

  • Baptiste Brodard

Islamic reformism is an increasingly popular concept in Europe. However, it refers to distinct currents of thought. Baptiste Brodard proposes to explore a particular current of Islamic reformism th...


The sealing of prophethood in Islam

  • Youssouf Sangare

The notion of khatm al-nubuwwa, as the end of prophethood, has emerged as a fundamental theological doctrine in Islam. From the death of Muḥammad in 632, it was at the heart of multiple controversi...