
Plateforme universitaire de recherche sur l’islam

Initiée par la
des universités

Soutenue par
la fédération
des universités

Becoming Human

Foundations of Interreligious Religious Education and Didactics from a Christian-Muslim Perspective (Kohlhammer 2017)

Authentic interreligious cooperation in research and education starts with intra- and interreligious processes of self-reflection. Thus the newly published introductory volume of the series « Studien zur Interreligiösen Religionspädagogik » (“Studies in Interreligious Religious Education”) offers anthropological and theological considerations resulting from in-depth conversations of the three authors. This allows to reconsider existing models of religious education and didactics, particularly in university contexts, from both Muslim and Catholic perspectives and develop new interreligious approaches. The authors – Zekirija Sejdini, Matthias Scharer and Martina Kraml – are key figures in the project “Interreligious Religious Education and Didactics”, located at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). The new publication presents attitudes that may be regarded as prerequisites for proficiently planning, guiding, and evaluating educational processes in plural and heterogeneous contexts. Rooted in deep practical practical experience and seriously reflected in multiple communicative processes in between the authors, the volume is a founding stone for future research in the field.



Sejdini, Zekirija / Kraml, Martina / Scharer, Matthias, Mensch werden. Grundlagen einer interreligiösen Religionspädagogik und -didaktik aus muslimisch-christlicher Perspektive. (Studien zur Interreligiösen Religionspädagogik Vol. 1), Kohlhammer 2017.


For further information see:

Foundations of Interreligious Religious Education and Didactics from a Christian-Muslim Perspective (Kohlhammer 2017)

Authentic interreligious cooperation in research and education starts with intra- and interreligious processes of self-reflection. Thus the newly published introductory volume of the series « Studien zur Interreligiösen Religionspädagogik » (“Studies in Interreligious Religious Education”) offers anthropological and theological considerations resulting from in-depth conversations of the three authors. This allows to reconsider existing models of religious education and didactics, particularly in university contexts, from both Muslim and Catholic perspectives and develop new interreligious approaches. The authors – Zekirija Sejdini, Matthias Scharer and Martina Kraml – are key figures in the project “Interreligious Religious Education and Didactics”, located at the University of Innsbruck (Austria). The new publication presents attitudes that may be regarded as prerequisites for proficiently planning, guiding, and evaluating educational processes in plural and heterogeneous contexts. Rooted in deep practical practical experience and seriously reflected in multiple communicative processes in between the authors, the volume is a founding stone for future research in the field.



Sejdini, Zekirija / Kraml, Martina / Scharer, Matthias, Mensch werden. Grundlagen einer interreligiösen Religionspädagogik und -didaktik aus muslimisch-christlicher Perspektive. (Studien zur Interreligiösen Religionspädagogik Vol. 1), Kohlhammer 2017.


For further information see:

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