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Yadh Ben Achour

Born in 1945, Yadh Ben Achour is a Tunisian jurist, academic, and politician. A specialist in Islamic political theories and public law, he served as the dean of the Faculty of Legal Sciences at the University of Carthage from 1993 to 1999. A member of the Constitutional Council from 1988 to 1992, he resigned in protest against a reform restricting associative freedoms. Following the Tunisian Revolution of 2011, he presided over the High Authority responsible for the democratic transition. Yadh Ben Achour has been a member of the UN Human Rights Committee since 2012, the Tunisian Academy of Sciences, Letters, and Arts, and holds honorary doctorates from several universities. He is the author of numerous works on Islam, law, and democracy. Recognized nationally and internationally, he notably received the International Democracy Award in 2012.

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