
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : TVZ Theologischer Verlag - Zurich



God’s Word and Human Language Christian theology of revelation and Islamic positions on the inimitability of the Koran

God’s Word is at the centre of both the Christian and Islamic faiths. Revelation and language are thus closely related in both religions. Tobias Specker brings Islamic and Christian theology, literary studies and phenomenological philosophy into conversation with each other. Using classical and contemporary approaches, he examines the topos of the Qur’an’s inimitability, which plays a central role in the justification of the Islamic faith. From the analysis of Arab-Christian positions and current approaches to hermeneutical theology, a Christian approach to the Koran that is open to dialogue and aware of differences is developed – and thus a theology of the Word of God in an interreligious context.

La Parole de Dieu est au centre de la foi chrétienne et de la foi islamique. La révélation et le langage sont donc étroitement liés dans les deux religions. Tobias Specker fait dialoguer la théologie islamique et chrétienne, les études littéraires et la philosophie phénoménologique. En utilisant des approches classiques et contemporaines, il examine le topos de l’inimitabilité du Coran, qui joue un rôle central dans la justification de la foi islamique. L’analyse des positions arabo-chrétiennes et des approches actuelles de la théologie herméneutique permet de développer une approche chrétienne du Coran ouverte au dialogue et consciente des différences – et donc une théologie de la Parole de Dieu dans un contexte interreligieux.

إنّ كلام الرب هو مركز العقيدة المسيحية والعقيدة الإسلاميّة. ويرتبط كلّ من الوحي واللّغة بشكل مباشر في الديانتَين. وقد أجرى طوبيا سبيكر حوارًا بين الديانتين الإسلامية والمسيحية، والدراسات الأدبيّة وفلسفة علم الظواهر. ويدرس، متّبعًا النهج التقليديّة والمعاصرة، مسألة عدم إمكانيّة تحريف القرآن، التي ئؤدّي دورًا مركزيًّا في تبرير العقيدة الإسلاميّة. وتمكّن تحليلات المواقف العربية المسيحية والمنهج الحالي المُتّبع في اللاهوت الهيرمونيطيقي من إنشاء منهج مسيحي تجاه القرآن منفتح على الحوار ومدرك للاختلافات، وبالتالي إنشاء لاهوت يختص بكلام الرب في سياق مشترك بين الأديان.

Resources of this researcher


Not without others: recognition of others and unity in Christ – on the relationship between mission and dialogue

Article published in the missiology journal ZMR 106 (2022/1-4), double issue: “Evangelisation and Fraternity in the Plural World


Is God a Lawgiver? Christian and Muslim Perspectives on Ius divinum

Law that invokes divine appointment or other religious justifications is repeatedly the focus of general attention in Germany. Beyond the concrete religious legal provisions, there is a reflection ...


‘Inimitable’ Koran ?

Interview with Pr. Tobias Specker, professor of Catholic Theology in the light of Islam at Sankt Georgen Graduate school of Philosophy and Theology, Frankfurt, Germany, about his book : Gottes Wort...


God’s Word and Human Language Christian theology of revelation and Islamic positions on the inimitability of the Koran

God’s Word is at the centre of both the Christian and Islamic faiths. Revelation and language are thus closely related in both religions. Tobias Specker brings Islamic and Christian theology,...


The Question of Otherness in Classical Islam | Respondents

Following the lecture: "The question of Otherness in Classical Islam" given by Raja SAKRANI, three members of the scientific committee of the PLURIEL network give answers according to the three axe...


What power does religion have? Questions for Christianity and Islam

Das Thema „Religion und Macht“ ist umfangreicher als die Frage nach dem Verhältnis der Religion zum Staat und zu demokratischen Strukturen. Im Namen Gottes wird in menschliches Leben eingegriffen, ...


Is God a lawgiver? Christian and Muslim perspectives on Ius divinum


Presentation of the congress “Islam and Belonging” of PLURIEL

With the voices of members of the Scientific Comittee  

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