
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Tobias Specker


Born in 1971, Tobias Specker is a professor of “Catholic Theology in the Face of Islam” at the Sankt Georgen Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology in Frankfurt. As a Jesuit, he studied German literature, Catholic theology, and Islamic studies in Freiburg, Bochum, and Frankfurt. He holds a Ph.D. in theology with a thesis on Jean-Luc Marion and a diploma in Islamic theology with a study on the figure of Paul in Muslim thought. His habilitation thesis deals with Christian theology of revelation in dialogue with Islamic positions on the inimitability of the Qur’an. Since 2021, he has also been the superior of the Jesuit community of Sankt Georgen. Involved in numerous interreligious dialogue networks, he is an advisor to the sub-commission for interreligious dialogue of the German Bishops’ Conference and editor-in-chief of GEORG magazine. He has received several awards for his work on Christian-Muslim dialogue.

Affiliation institution(s)

Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen - Germany

Christlich-islamische begegnungs - und dokumentationsstelle, CIBEDO - Germany

Member of the Research group

Kircher Network - Spain

Jesuit Conference of European Provincials - Belgique

HEST Cluster: Christian-Muslim Relations (Europe)

Higher Education for Social Transformation (HEST) programme aims to bring Higher Education institutions and Social Centres of the Society of Jesus in Europe together so that they can contribute to the real changes our societies need by developing sound research. The topic on Christian Muslim Relations gathers a cluster of Jesuit Higher Education Institutions working […]

Researchers of this group

Member of the Research group

Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen - Germany

Catholic Theology in dialogue with Islam (Frankfurt)

Catholic theology in Europe is increasingly confronted with the questions and criticisms of Muslim intellectuals who, in particular, point out the convergences between the two religions. The research project aims to perceive this new context of theology, to analyse it carefully, and to reformulate the potentials of the Christian tradition.

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Resources related toTheology of Religions


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