Publisher : Herder -
Presentation of the publisher
Few terms refer to Islam as “sharia”. Mouhanad Khorchide, exploring new foundations of an Islamic theology (“Islam is mercy”) and in a renewed approach to the term, history and definitions of sharia, develops the basis of a modern Islamic ethic.
Original title : “Scharia – der missverstandene Gott: Der Weg zu einer modernen islamischen Ethik”
Présentation de l’éditeur
Peu de termes évoquent l’Islam comme la “charia”. Mouhanad Khorchide, explorant de nouvelles fondations d’une théologie islamique (“l’islam est miséricorde”) et dans une approche renouvelée du terme, de l’histoire et des définitions très différentes de la charia, développe la base d’une éthique islamique moderne.
Titre original : “Scharia – der missverstandene Gott: Der Weg zu einer modernen islamischen Ethik”
Kaum ein Begriff sorgt in Bezug auf den Islam für so viel Unbehagen und Unruhe wie “Scharia”. Mouhanad Khorchide legt in Weiterentwicklung seiner bahnbrechenden Grundlegung einer islamischen Theologie (“Islam ist Barmherzigkeit”) und in kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit dem Begriff, der Geschichte und den sehr unterschiedlichen Definitionen der Scharia die Basis für eine moderne islamische Ethik.
The other prophet: Jesus in the Quran
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Islam is charity: the foundations of a modern religion
For the first time in the German-speaking world: a contemporary Islamic theology. Mouhanad Khorchide shows how Islam can come from within itself to a self-understanding that makes a fundamental tur...
Sharia – the misunderstood God: the way to a modern Islamic ethic
Presentation of the publisher Few terms refer to Islam as “sharia”. Mouhanad Khorchide, exploring new foundations of an Islamic theology (“Islam is mercy”) and in a renewed ...
God believes in man: with Islam, towards a new humanism
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Personal Status Laws of Women in Egypt and Palestine
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Environmentalism and sustainability as an expression of Islamic moral orientation
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Perspectives and Opportunities of Islamic Finance
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Halal and its diffusion in European societies
Original title : "Le Ḥalāl et sa diffusion dans les sociétés européennes" Speaker: Prof. Cédomir Nestorovic Moderator: P. Laurent Basanese, S.J. Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, December ...
Muslim morality, Islamic ethics, Šarī’a in situations
Original title : "Morale musulmane, déontologie islamique, Šarī‘a en situations" Sumary Does necessity make legal, in Islam, what is prohibited? It is to this question that this article inten...
Sharia – the misunderstood God: the way to a modern Islamic ethic
Presentation of the publisher Few terms refer to Islam as “sharia”. Mouhanad Khorchide, exploring new foundations of an Islamic theology (“Islam is mercy”) and in a renewed ...
The fatwa in Europe. Minority rights and integration issues
The growing interest in fatwâs and the different ways of regulating the overabundance of muftîs in Europe and in the world, in particular in the Arab world, has encouraged Islamologists to work on ...