
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Profac-CECR 105 - Lyon



The fatwa in Europe. Minority rights and integration issues

The growing interest in fatwâs and the different ways of regulating the overabundance of muftîs in Europe and in the world, in particular in the Arab world, has encouraged Islamologists to work on the internal evolution of Islam in the new context offered by Europe, based on the documents issued by the European Council for Fatwâ and Research. What kind of Islam emerges from these legal opinions, which are intended to guide Muslims in Europe?

Religious practice, questions about the family, the status of women, involvement in the political process, issues relating to the economy, finance or bioethics, or the way in which non-Muslims, particularly Christians, are viewed, are all aspects of burning relevance to the integration of Muslims in European societies.
But also, the presence of Muslims in Europe could have consequences on the reality of Islam as a whole, thanks to the ability to adapt from the foundations and purposes of the Law. If minority fiqh and/or minority Sharîa are not demographic but canonical concepts, will they be able to pave the way for a new approach to Law and Law, whatever the numerical situation in Europe or elsewhere?

L’effervescence autour des fatwâs et des différentes manières de réguler la surabondance des muftîs, en Europe et dans le monde, en particulier dans le monde arabe, a incité des islamologues à travailler sur les évolutions internes à l’islam dans le contexte nouveau que lui offre l’Europe, à partir des documents émis par le Conseil Européen de la Fatwâ et des Recherches. Quel islam émerge à partir de ces avis juridiques qui ont comme vocation d’orienter les musulmans en Europe ?

La pratique cultuelle, les interrogations sur la famille, la condition féminine, l’implication dans le processus politique, les problématiques relatives à l’économie, à la finance ou à la bioéthique, ou encore le regard porté sur les non-musulmans, notamment les chrétiens, autant d’aspects d’une brûlante actualité pour l’intégration des musulmans dans les sociétés européennes.
Mais aussi, la présence des musulmans en Europe pourrait avoir des conséquences sur la réalité de l’islam dans son ensemble, grâce à la capacité de s’adapter à partir des fondements et des finalités de la Loi. Si le fiqh des minorités et/ou la Sharîa de minorité ne sont pas des concepts démographiques, mais canoniques, seront-ils en mesure d’ouvrir la voie à une nouvelle approche de la Loi et du droit, quelle que soit la situation numérique en Europe ou ailleurs ?

Resources of this researcher


Christian Thought, Muslim Thought and Societal Issues: Launch of the “Theologies in Dialogue” Chair

On Wednesday, September 25, 2024, this inaugural conference presents a new chair entitled "Theologies in Dialogue" at the Faculty of Theology of the Catholic University of Lyon. The speakers, Miche...


Revival and Dynamics of Islamic Studies in Europe

“In a troubled international context where Islam is sometimes defined as an ideological marker of many conflicts, academic research drawing on history, sociology, and political science has mu...


Islamochristiana Journal 49 (2024): “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture”

The title of this issue, “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture,” was suggested to us by a collection of articles that highlight different aspects of the relati...


Online Symposium: Islamic Origins & Christian Theological Engagement with Islam

Panelists David Marshall, University of Bern (Moderator), Guest Editor of Islamochristiana Martin Accad, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Daniel Brown, ISRME Diego Sarrio Cucarella, PISAI Sa...


Opening speech of the fourth congress in Abu Dhabi, Michel Younès

At the opening of the fourth congress of the University Platform for Research on Islam Pluriel, which celebrates its tenth anniversary, Michel Younès expressed his pride in the advances made in ter...


Religions put to the test by freedom of expression

“In the republican context, freedom of expression involves all the players in society and mobilises a wide range of intellectual resources. What then are the conditions that foster it while r...


Islam & Otherness. Proceedings of the Pluriel congress in Beirut

Edited by Michel Younès, Ali Mostfa and Roula Talhouk “In a contemporary context marked by a growing tendency to lock oneself into oppositional logics, reflection on otherness in Islam opens ...


Authority in Islam. What regulation? Proceedings of the symposium.

“It is often said: “”no clergy in Islam””. In the absence of a hierarchical and universal magisterial authority, what are the instances and figures that serve as regul...


Being yourself through the other. How I grew up in a context of diversity

“This book retraces the itinerary of Michel Younès in which he shows that otherness is part of identity. In a context where cultural and religious diversity is no longer an option, he seeks t...


Islam and Christianity: mutual views and challenges of otherness

In his book Soi-même comme un autre (Seuil 1990), the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur (1913-2005) builds his reflection on this 'as' which, according to him, allows us to escape from two harmful te...

Resources related to Freedom of Religion


Speaking freely in Islam

  • Hamadi Redissi

What is the Islamic doctrine of blasphemy, insult to God, religion and the Prophet? What about the prohibition of figurative representation of Muhammad? Can one openly believe or abjure in Islam? T...


Religious minorities between the Mediterranean shores: a study of the status of religious minorities in the Mediterranean context (REMiMEsO) – Final Report

  • Alessandro Ferrari

The REMiMESo project, led by Ilaria Valenzi and supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explores the situation of religious minorities in five Mediterranean countries: Israel, Morocco...


Religious Freedom in Italy. An Impossible Paradigm

  • Alessandro Ferrari

Italy, seat of the Pope and Vatican City, has a long and difficult relationship with religious freedom. Often identified as a quintessentially Catholic nation, Italy owes its unification to a polit...


From the Declaration “Nostra Aetate” to the Document of Abu Dhabi: Reexamining a Historical and Theological Trajectory in the Catholic Approach to Islamic-Christian Dialogue

  • Jean-Jacques Pérennès

Jean Jacques Pérennès, former director of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, proposes a re-examination of the Catholic approach to Islamic-Christian dialogue, from the Nost...


Religions put to the test by freedom of expression

  • Michel Younès
  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa
  • Malek Chaïeb

“In the republican context, freedom of expression involves all the players in society and mobilises a wide range of intellectual resources. What then are the conditions that foster it while r...


The authoritarian republic. Islam in France and the Republican illusion

  • Haoues Seniguer

Publisher’s presentation The logic of suspicion has become the compass of the French state. Since 2015 and the attacks of January and November, the preventive and repressive policy of the Sta...


Exclusively for Adherents of ‘Divinely Revealed’ Religions?

  • Mohamed Gamal Ali

How did the preparatory work for the Egyptian constitutions discuss issues of freedom of religion and belief? « The term “divinely revealed religions” is used in the constitution, laws, and some...


Religious Pluralism in Post-“Arab Spring” Morocco

  • Youssef Boutahar

Title of the lecture : "Re-problematizing the Religious Majority-Minority Dialectics in Post-Arab Spring Morocco: Between Subalternity and Digital Disobedience" Given the debate currently prevai...