Montreal: “Books in Christian and Muslim Religious Bookstores between Lyon and Montreal: A Quantitative and Qualitative Study of the Offer”
As part of the Jacques Cartier Dialogues 2024 at the University of Montreal, several researchers who are members of Pluriel will participate in a study day on October 17, 2024, focusing on books in Christia...
to 28/11/22 to 30/11/22
Radicalisation leading to violence in the name of Islam: for a France-Quebec referential | EJC 2022
The 34th Entretiens Jacques Cartier will take place in Quebec from 28 to 30 November 2022. A group of Canadian and French researchers will hold a one-day conference on the theme of radicalisation studies. A...
Conference / Radicalisation leading to violence in the name of Islam
EPISTEMOLOGICAL, METHODOLOGICAL AND ETHICAL APPROACHES AND ISSUES Initiated within the framework of the Entretiens Jacques Cartier in 2019, a collaboration between the Centre for the Study of Cultures and R...
to 16/09/21 to 18/09/21
International conference “The itinerant prophets. Rewritings, appropriations and metamorphoses of prophetic figures in Islamic sources”
At Institut du Monde Arabe and Sorbonne Université, Paris Bringing together scholars of Islam studies, literature and history, ‘The Itinerant Prophets’ aims to shed new light on the place prophe...
DEADLINE : 31/08/21
The Qur’an in History. The History of the Qur’an. From Canonization to Critique and Semantic Hermeneutics
A special issue of Religions (ISSN 2077-1444), with Marco Demichelis as guest editor. Extract of the presentation: The Issue would like to explore the correlation between the Qur’an, the word of God that th...
DEADLINE : 26/03/21
Itinerant Prophets
The International Colloquium « Itinerant Prophets – Rewritings, Appropriations and Metamorphoses of Prophetic Figures in the Religious, Literary and Historiographical Texts of Pre-modern Islam » will take p...
to 16/08/21 to 20/08/21
Summer school : Divine Simplicity and Divine Action. Discussing the Divine Attributes in Muslim-Christian Dialogue.
It has been a major question in traditional theological thinking how the Divine Attributes are to be understood. Recent debates in analytical philosophy have allowed new approaches that, however, are often ...
DEADLINE : 12/03/21
Call for Papers “Friendship”
Conference on Comparative Theology 2021, June 10th-11th
to 09/08/21 to 13/08/21
Summer School 2020: Justice and Mercy. Discussing the Divine Attributes in Muslim-Christian Dialogue.
Organised by the University of Paderborn, Germany; and part of the project “Building bridges between traditional thought and analytical philosophy – Rethinking Divine Attributes in Islam and Christianity” w...
to 07/05/20 to 08/05/20
[Covid-19 – Annulé] Acteurs religieux dans le monde arabe actuel : rôles, prises de position, rapports de force, impacts et enjeux
Le 88ème Congrès ACFAS n'aura pas lieu.
Religion and temporality (Bonn, Germany)
Religion and temporality intersect in profound ways, shaping individuals, societies, and the course of history. From the cyclical rhythms of ritual and sacred time to the eschatological visions of the futur...
Islam and Otherness: Contextualizations, Transformations, and Influences
From a cross-section of dogmas, discourses, doctrines and reference texts, the contributions aim to examine, from a specific angle of approach (philosophical, theological, political, religious, anthropologi...
For a preventive Islamic de-radicalization. The Re-Configuration of the Humanities within an inter-religious approach. (Milan)
Research group held by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan. The return to the humanities is not only necessary, but crucial for the promotion of a de-radicalising approach to both societi...
Theology of Prophecy in Dialogue (Bonn) (closed)
Research group of the University of Paderborn. The Qur’anic approach to prophecy challenges Jewish and Christian perspectives for a variety of reasons. The Qur’an seems to have some concrete features of pr...
Authority and Regulation in Islam (Lyon)
After a research programme on religious, Islamic and Biblical fundamentalism, and a deconstructivist approach to fundamentalism, we thought it was important to approach the notion of authority in link with ...
Epistemological and methodological issues in studies on violence in the name of Islam (Montreal)
This group aims to provide food for thought on the following questions: Are the available conceptual and epistemological methods and tools adequate enough to decipher the specific and complex discourses, pr...
Dynamics of Islamic radicalization in Europe: prevention and educational policies (Closed)
Since the “Arab Springs” breakout in 2011, Islamist radicalization in Europe progressively grew as ISIS spread violence and chaos in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The so-called “Islamic State” brought a new vision...
Catholic Theology in dialogue with Islam (Frankfurt)
Catholic theology in Europe is increasingly confronted with the questions and criticisms of Muslim intellectuals who, in particular, point out the convergences between the two religions. The research projec...
Islam and society in contemporary Spain (Granada)
Because the presence of Muslim communities in Spain is relatively recent, and because there is not a long tradition of theological study of Islam, we want to start our dialogue with the Islamic tradition by...
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi
Holder of the Chair “Exegesis and theology of Shia Islam” at the École pratique des hautes études (Paris)
Mehdi Azaiez
Professeur d’islamologie à l’Université catholique de Louvain
Michele Brignone
Executive Director of the Oasis Foundation, Professor at the Catholic University of Milan
Marco Demichelis
Researcher in Islamic studies and history of the Middle East
Romain Louge
Doctorant en théologie à l’Université Catholique de Lyon
Mohamed-Ali Mostfa
Maître de conférences sur le monde arabo-musulman et les représentations interculturelles
Wael Saleh
Professeur associé à l’Institut d’études internationales de Montréal (IEIM), Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM).
Amany Fouad Salib
Associate Researcher at the Centre of Research on Immigration, Ethnicity and Citizenship
Roula Talhouk
Directrice de l’Institut d’études islamo-chrétiennes, Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth. Professeur en théologie et anthropologie religieuse.
‘Inimitable’ Koran ?
Interview with Pr. Tobias Specker, professor of Catholic Theology in the light of Islam at Sankt Georgen Graduate school of Philosophy and Theology, Frankfurt, Germany, about his book : Gottes Wort und mens...
Azharis, Representations of Christianity, and the Vagaries of Islamic-Christian Dialogue (1930s-2020s)
Dominique Avon, Director of Studies at the École pratique des hautes études, traces the evolution of the discourse of the ulama of al-Azhar on Christianity since the 1930s. Confronted with the colonial Euro...
New researches on the Qur’an and the origins of islam (French)
Speaker : Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi Moderator : P. Diego Sarrió Cucarella Introduction : P. Laurent Basanese S.J. Conference organized by the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, 28 February 2019
Medieval Muslim Polemics against the Christian Creed : The Critique of ṢĀLIḤ B. AL-ḤUSAYN AL-ǦA‘FARĪ (D. 668/1270)
Abstract After introducing Ṣāliḥ b. al-Ḥusayn al-Ǧa‘farī (d. 668/1270), the Egyptian Muslim author of an important work of anti-Christian polemic entitled Taḫǧīl man ḥarrafa al-Tawrāh wa-l-Inǧīl (‘The Shami...
The Lies of Abraham
Original title : “Le menzogne di Abramo” Even Abraham, the first of Israel’s patriarchs and one of Islam’s prophets, lied. The peculiar account of his lie, concerning his wife presen...
From Apology to Dialogue with Others in Shia Islamic Studies: The Case of Muhammad Jawad al-Balaghi
First International Congress of the University Platform for Research on Islam in Europe and Lebanon (PLURIEL): theological axis Speaker: Mohammad Zaraket, teacher at Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Lebanon
The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī
Among the works of Arabic literature concerning the genre of Mawlid, certainly al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid is a text that has achieved great popularity and spread to large parts of the Islamic world. Indeed, empha...
Corresponding across Religious Borders: The Letter of al-Qūṭī
Summary : This article provides an introduction to the Letter of al-Qūṭī, a short anti-Islamic polemic in Arabic purportedly written by an unknown priest active in Toledo in the mid-1140s, as well as the...
God and man in the teachings of the anatolian alevis
Discourses and strategies of otherness: Crossed perspectives and analyses
Islam & Otherness. Proceedings of the Pluriel congress in Beirut