
University platform for research on Islam

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Nour Farra Haddad

D. in Religious Anthropology, and a lecturer at the University of St. Joseph in Beirut (USJ), the Lebanese University (UL) and the American University for Science and Technologies (AUST). In addition to her PhD in Religious Anthropology, she holds a Master’s degree in Anthropology and two Bachelor’s degrees, in Sociology and Archaeology. She also holds a diploma as a tourist guide from the Ministry of Tourism. Vice president of the Lebanese Tourist Guides Union and founding member of the Association for the Development of Pilgrimages and Religious Tourism attached to the Lebanese Maronite Patriarchal Headquarters in Bkerke, she currently manages a tourism and development consulting company: “NEOS”. She is also co-author of Wiz Kids a specialized guide for children (2011) and author of Eco-Lebanon: Nature and Rural Tourism, a guide to unveil Lebanon (2013).

In 2017, she designed the app “HOLY LEBANON“, a practical virtual guide to Lebanon, the Holy Land and Land of Holiness, supporting sustainable development and interfaith dialogue.

Member of the Research group

Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth - Lebanon

Religion in a mixed Muslim-Christian context (Closed)

The complex context of Lebanon, with its 12 Christian denominations and 4 Muslim groups, calls for an interpretation of the relationships between these denominations in all aspects. Our team is interested in studying their position in the public space, the relationship between each other, their places of worship and their shared rituals. The relationship between […]

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Resources related toWorship Places


Les lieux de culte de Beyrouth et de sa proche banlieue

  • Thom Sicking
  • Rita Zaarour
  • Jocelyne Adjizian-Gerard

Thom Sicking, avec la collaboration de Jocelyne Gérard Adjizian, Nada Badaro Saliba et Rita Zaarour. Ouvrage publié dans le cadre du groupe de recherche : “Le fait religieux dans un contexte ...


Religion and Territories (Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact, USJ, Beyrouth)

  • Thom Sicking
  • Houda Kassatly
  • Nour Farra Haddad

Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact of the Faculty of Religious Sciences of the USJ. (10-11 February 2017) Publ...

Derecho y religion


The legal framework of centers of worship in Catalonia: 10 years of expectations

  • José Luis Llaquet de Entrambasaguas

Original title : "El marco jurídico de los centros de culto en Cataluña: 10 años de expectativas" Abstract Ten years ago the Law of Worship centers of Catalonia came into force, generating ex...


Religious Spaces in Lebanon

  • Thom Sicking

Extracts from the foreword by Louis Boisset s.j., Holder of the Unesco Chair of Comparative Studies of Religions, Mediation and Dialogue, USJ and Honorary Dean of the Faculty of Religious Sciences ...


The imam, the “priest” of Muslims?

  • Benjamin Latouche

Conference « Religious Authority in Islam », organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions and the Research Unit of the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy), on 18 and 19 November 2...


Female figures of holiness, Muslim and Christian, in the MENA region

  • Thom Sicking

Actes du colloque du centre d’études et d’interprétation du fait religieux, Université Saint Joseph, 20-21 février 2015. Sommaire Afrique du Nord : Nelly Amri : Entre Orient et Occciden...


Stories of the Foundation of Sanctuaries: Passage from one Community to another and Territorial Rooting

  • Houda Kassatly

Summary: A study of the stories of the foundation of certain sanctuaries in Lebanon reveals the fluidity of the frontiers between different communities. A certain community may have been at the ori...