
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Editions de l'USJ - Beyrouth



Religion and Territories (Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact, USJ, Beyrouth)

Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact of the Faculty of Religious Sciences of the USJ. (10-11 February 2017)

Published with the help of the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.



Actes du colloque international organisé par le Centre d’études et d’interprétation du fait religieux de la Faculté de sciences religieuses de l’USJ. (10-11 Février 2017)

Publié avec l’aide de l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.



أعمال الندوة التي نظّمها مركز الدراسات والشروحات للحدث الديني في كلية العلوم الدينية التابعة لجامعة القديس يوسف (10-11 شباط/فبراير 2017).

نُشرت بالتعاون مع الوكالة الجامعية للفرنكوفونيّة.

Resources related to Identities


Cosmopolitanism and minority rights: going beyond the protection of ethnoreligious minorities in the Middle East

  • Hélène Rey

This communication challenges traditional approaches to ethnoreligious diversity in the Middle East, arguing that the focus on "protecting minority rights" is inadequate. It demonstrates how these ...


“Christian-Muslim Relations in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring Beyond the Polemics over ‘The Innocence of Muslims'”

  • Anna Hager

In September 2012, the video “The Innocence of Muslims” sparked outrage and demonstrations in the Middle East by depicting an attack against Copts by a Muslim group, associated with the...


Online Symposium: Islamic Origins & Christian Theological Engagement with Islam

  • Diego Sarrió Cucarella
  • Gabriel Said Reynolds
  • Michel Younès
  • David Marshall

Panelists David Marshall, University of Bern (Moderator), Guest Editor of Islamochristiana Martin Accad, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Daniel Brown, ISRME Diego Sarrio Cucarella, PISAI Sa...


From the Declaration “Nostra Aetate” to the Document of Abu Dhabi: Reexamining a Historical and Theological Trajectory in the Catholic Approach to Islamic-Christian Dialogue

  • Jean-Jacques Pérennès

Jean Jacques Pérennès, former director of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, proposes a re-examination of the Catholic approach to Islamic-Christian dialogue, from the Nost...


Azharis, Representations of Christianity, and the Vagaries of Islamic-Christian Dialogue (1930s-2020s)

  • Dominique Avon

Dominique Avon, Director of Studies at the École pratique des hautes études, traces the evolution of the discourse of the ulama of al-Azhar on Christianity since the 1930s. Confronted with the colo...


Islam & Otherness. Proceedings of the Pluriel congress in Beirut

  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa
  • Michel Younès
  • Roula Talhouk

Edited by Michel Younès, Ali Mostfa and Roula Talhouk “In a contemporary context marked by a growing tendency to lock oneself into oppositional logics, reflection on otherness in Islam opens ...


Making religion online: the case of Islam

  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa

Islam in the digital age is becoming an inescapable reality in the lives of believers, thus introducing a new modality in the understanding of Islamic faith. From now on, the sacred text, rituals, ...


Being yourself through the other. How I grew up in a context of diversity

  • Michel Younès

“This book retraces the itinerary of Michel Younès in which he shows that otherness is part of identity. In a context where cultural and religious diversity is no longer an option, he seeks t...