HIWAR – Building bridges with Islam (Madrid)
Project HIWAR was conceived on the grounds of a group of researchers from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas that had the committed dedication to converse, get closer to and build bridges with Islam. Makin...
Catholic Theology in dialogue with Islam (Frankfurt)
Catholic theology in Europe is increasingly confronted with the questions and criticisms of Muslim intellectuals who, in particular, point out the convergences between the two religions. The research projec...
Janusz Balicki
Professor of cultural Integration of Muslim Immigrants in EU – Card. Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
Youssef Boutahar
Professor of English and Cultural Studies
Salim Daccache
Rector of Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Doctor of Literature and Philosophy and of Education.
Jean Druel
Chercheur à l’Institut Dominicain d’Études Orientales (IDEO), Le Caire
Silvia Pierantoni Giua
Xavier Gravend-Tirole
PhD Student at UNIL and chaplain at EPFL
Nour Farra Haddad
Lecturer in religious anthropology and researcher at Saint Joseph University in Beirut
Mohammed Hashas
Faculty Member, Department of Political Science, Luiss University of Rome
Renee Hattar
Janos Jany
Head of the Institute of International Studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest
Jamel Khermimoun
Researcher at the European Centre for Research on Islam and its Interactions (CERII)
Roberta Collu Moran
Anthropologist, documentary filmmaker
Thomas Richard
Associate Researcher, Political Science, History of Arts, Université Clermont-Auvergne, France
The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī
Among the works of Arabic literature concerning the genre of Mawlid, certainly al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid is a text that has achieved great popularity and spread to large parts of the Islamic world. Indeed, empha...
The civilizational vocation of Islam in the work of Malek Bennabi
Religion and Territories (Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact, USJ, Beyrouth)
Inner Islam, passion and disenchantment
Arab and islamic humour
First lines of the introduction “The stereotype of the grim-faced Arab brandishing a scimitar is part of our collective imagination and is the result of centuries of struggle between the two sides of ...
MIDÉO No. 37: Recitation in the early centuries of Islam
The dialogue between the Focolare Movement and Muslims
Original title : “Il dialogo del Movimento dei Focolari con i Musulmani” Abstract : Academic meetings and relationships between official representatives of the Christian Churches and of Muslim c...
Islamic and christian spiritualities in Spain: influences, similarities, and parallels
Author : Francisco de Borja Medina Rojas Resource related to the group “Islam and society in contemporary Spain” Abstract : Two cultures, the Islamic and the Chris- tian, that, at first sight se...
Stories of the Foundation of Sanctuaries: Passage from one Community to another and Territorial Rooting
Summary: A study of the stories of the foundation of certain sanctuaries in Lebanon reveals the fluidity of the frontiers between different communities. A certain community may have been at the origin of a ...
Proceedings of the Congress : Islam at plural, thought, faith, society
Concilium 2017/1: Diverse Cultural and Religious Ways of Thinking
Master’s degree in culture and society, ‘Theologies in Dialogue’
It is already possible to study Islamic theology at the University of Paderborn as part of the two-subject bachelor’s degree “Comparative Theology of Religions”. The Master’s courses offered by the Un...
The management of the religious fact in companies and organizations
This training is aimed at managers, in order to enable them to master the legal framework of religion and to adopt a managerial posture adapted to the situations encountered. 2 consecutive days on June 24 a...
University Diploma Religious facts – Religion, religions
Understanding the religious phenomenon is one of the major keys to understanding cultures and the complexity of the world. It appears more and more as an antidote to religious fundamentalism as well as to t...
Doctorate in Arabic and Islamic Studies
The Doctorate requires a minimum of three years to complete. Applicants must hold a Licentiate in Arabic and Islamic Studies at the rank of Summa cum Laude or an equivalent qualification. Admission is gover...
Diploma in Interreligious Studies
The Gregorian Center for Interreligious Studies offers, for the 2020/2021 academic year, a path in two semesters for the achievement of the Diploma in Interreligious Studies. It will be possible to deepen t...
University Diploma “World Religions. History and theology”
This course, which leads to a university diploma from the ICP, to be followed over one or two years, is an opportunity to specialise in a specific question in the field of world religions: theology of missi...