
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Carmen Marquez

Carmen Márquez studied at the University of Valencia, where she obtained a degree in Law, and at the Pontifical University Comillas, where she obtained her doctorate in Theology, with the thesis “The Christian Churches in the face of apartheid in South Africa: a theological analysis of the Kairos document”, awarded the Bartolomé de las Casas Prize of the University of Fribourg and the José María Ramón de San Pedro Prize of the Pontifical University Comillas.

In 2002, she started teaching at the Faculty of Theology of the Pontifical University Comillas. She currently teaches the subjects “Evangelisation and Cultures”, “Introduction to Christianity” and “Christianity and Social Ethics”.

In 2021 she was appointed consultant to the Episcopal Sub-Commission for Interfaith Relations and Interreligious Dialogue.

Member of the Research group

Universidad Pontificia Comillas - Spain

HIWAR – Building bridges with Islam (Madrid)

Project HIWAR was conceived on the grounds of a group of researchers from the Universidad Pontificia Comillas that had the committed dedication to converse, get closer to and build bridges with Islam. Making the most of the experience of inter-religious dialogue that the Society of Jesus has been developing from General Congregation 34, this group aims to deepen the experience involved in sharing those values that unite us with other religious denominations in general and in particular with Islam.

Researchers of this group


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