
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Mohamed Ourya

Doctor in Religious Studies; Lecturer in Politics, Religion and Ethics – University of Sherbrooke, Canada

Ph.D. in Religious Studies from the University of Sherbrooke, 2012 / M.A. in Political Science from UQAM, 2008 / B.A. in Public Law from Hassan II University (Morocco), 2002.

Publications :

  • La pensée arabe actuelle. Entre tradition et modernité, Paris, L’Harmatan, 2016.
  • Religieux dans les citadelles du Politique, Paris, L’Harmatan, 2014.
  • Le Complot dans l’imaginaire arabo-musulman. Antécédents historico-religieux et persistance dans le discours actuel, Saarbrücken, Dictus Publishing, 2012.

Affiliation institution(s)

Member of the Research group

Université de Montréal - Canada

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - Canada

Epistemological and methodological issues in studies on violence in the name of Islam (Montreal)

This group aims to provide food for thought on the following questions: Are the available conceptual and epistemological methods and tools adequate enough to decipher the specific and complex discourses, practices and developments related to the use of violence in the name of Islam? Isn’t new research imperative to enrich our understanding of this phenomenon, to redress perspectives, to fill current gaps and to deconstruct widespread prejudices?

Researchers of this group


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Resources related toEthics


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The Lies of Abraham

  • Valentino Cottini

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Christian Thought, Muslim Thought and Societal Issues: Launch of the “Theologies in Dialogue” Chair

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  • Michel Younès

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Circumcision and EU citizenship

  • Antonio Angelucci

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Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri, Human Rights and Democracy

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Christians and Muslims: Similarities and Diversity

  • Maurice Borrmans

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