
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Research Group

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Epistemological and methodological issues in studies on violence in the name of Islam (Montreal)

This group aims to provide food for thought on the following questions: Are the available conceptual and epistemological methods and tools adequate enough to decipher the specific and complex discourses, practices and developments related to the use of violence in the name of Islam? Isn’t new research imperative to enrich our understanding of this phenomenon, to redress perspectives, to fill current gaps and to deconstruct widespread prejudices?

In summary, the aim of this group is :

1) to emphasise the current need for inter- and multidisciplinary reflection, capable of dealing with violence of all kinds practised in the name of Islam according to its multiple facets and particularities ;

2) to explain how social and human sciences can help to find solutions.

Group members

Patrice Brodeur

Associate Professor - University of Montreal, Canada.

Karim Kardady

Candidate for the doctoral program in Applied Human Sciences, University of Montreal

Mohamed Ourya

Doctor in Religious Studies; Lecturer in Politics, Religion and Ethics - University of Sherbrooke, Canada

Amany Fouad Salib

Associate Researcher at the Centre of Research on Immigration, Ethnicity and Citizenship -CRIEC (Université du Québec à Montréal, UQAM)

Wael Saleh

Associate Professor at the Institut of International Studies of Montreal, UQAM

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