
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Verlag Herder - Freiburg im Breisgau



Prophetess – Virgin – Mother. Mary in the Koran

Mary – Bridge Figure between Christianity and Islam

An entire sura bears her name. She is the only woman the Koran mentions by name – more often than Muhammad or Jesus. Until today, the esteem in which Mary is held by Christians and Muslims is unbroken. But Mary has also always been the cause of estrangement between the two religions. In an extraordinary research, Muna Tatari and Klaus von Stosch reconstruct the Koran’s image of Mary and bring the Catholic Church’s belief in Mary into conversation with the Koranic testimony. An example of a successful and constructive Christian-Islamic dialogue.

Marie – figure de pont entre le christianisme et l’islam

Une sourate entière porte son nom. Elle est la seule femme que le Coran mentionne par son nom – plus souvent que Mohammed ou Jésus. Jusqu’à aujourd’hui, l’estime que les chrétiens et les musulmans portent à Marie est intacte. Mais Marie a aussi toujours été la cause de l’éloignement entre les deux religions. Dans une recherche extraordinaire, Muna Tatari et Klaus von Stosch reconstruisent l’image de Marie dans le Coran et mettent en parallèle la croyance de l’Église catholique en Marie avec le témoignage coranique. Un exemple de dialogue islamo-chrétien réussi et constructif.


تحمل سورة كاملة اسمها، وهي المرأة الوحيدة التي ذُكرت باسمها في القرآن أكثر من ما ذُكر اسم محمد أو يسوع. ومازال التقدير بأنّ المسيحيّين والمسلمين متعلّقين بماري سليمًا حتى اليوم، على الرّغم من أنّها لطالما كانت سبب التباعد بين الديانتَين. وفي دراسة استثنائيّة أجراها كل من منى ططري وكلاوس فون شتورش، عملا على إعادة تشكيل صورة ماري في القرآن وقارنا بين الإيمان بالكنيسة الكاثوليكيّة والشواهد القرآنية. ويُعدّ ذلك مثلًا على الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي الناجح والبنّاء.

Maria – Brückenfigur zwischen Christentum und Islam

Eine ganze Sure trägt ihren Namen. Sie ist die einzige Frau, die der Koran beim Namen nennt – häufiger als Muhammad oder Jesus. Bis heute ist die Wertschätzung, die Maria bei Christen und Muslimen genießt, ungebrochen. Doch Maria war auch immer Anlass zur Entfremdung beider Religionen. In einer außergewöhnlichen Recherche rekonstruieren Muna Tatari und Klaus von Stosch das Marienbild des Korans und bringen den Marienglauben der katholischen Kirche mit dem koranischen Zeugnis ins Gespräch. Ein Beispiel für einen gelingenden und konstruktiven christlich-islamischen Dialog.

Resources of this researcher


Normativity of Holy Scriptures in Judaism, Christianity and Islam

In Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the orientation towards “holy texts” is central. While in the past it was undisputed that these texts could be understood as directly given by God an...


Prophetess – Virgin – Mother. Mary in the Koran

Mary - Bridge Figure between Christianity and Islam An entire sura bears her name. She is the only woman the Koran mentions by name - more often than Muhammad or Jesus. Until today, the esteem i...


Christianity and Islam: theologians in dialogue

Cahiers de la Revue théologique de Louvain N°45 co-edited by Michel Younès and André Wénin. This book initiates a dialogue between Christian and Muslim theologians on how the former view Islam and ...


The other prophet: Jesus in the Quran

Jesus is considered in Islam as one of the most important prophets, and in the Koran as a divine sign. Yet his place in Islam is not the same as in Christianity. In their unique book, Mouhanad Khor...



Klaus von Stosch offers, among other things, an overview of the biblical, dogmatic and theological-historical foundations of the central question of the triune God. At the same time, he introduces ...


The Challenge of Islam. Christian Approaches

Does Islam belong to Europe? How should the West relate to Islam? Not only the West, but also Christian theology has difficulties with Islam. It wavers between a purely religious view from the outs...


Violence in the Holy Scriptures of Islam and Christianity

Dans les débats sociaux et politiques, il est souvent question d’une relation directe entre la religion et la violence, qui vise à désigner la religion comme cause de la violence. Les sources des r...

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