
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Albouraq Editions - Collection Je veux comprendre - Paris



The essentials of Islam

Today, Islam in Europe and the West arouses curiosity, mistrust and questions. This book summarises the foundations of this religion, its history, its currents and the challenges it faces today, in a world in perpetual change.

By definition, Islam is love and peace. Over the centuries, it has captured the hearts of millions of people across the globe. Its precepts advocate ease and universal values to which everyone aspires: peace, respect, justice, solidarity, sharing, brotherhood, dignity, honour…

Jamel Khermimoun presents readers with a historical perspective that allows them to better understand what Islam is, far from prejudices. By the extent of its area of influence as well as the number and diversity of its followers, Islam has built a complex and singular identity that demonstrates its predisposition to adapt to changes and populations.

Aujourd’hui, l’islam en Europe et en Occident suscite curiosité, défiance et interrogations. Cet ouvrage aborde de manière synthétique les fondements de cette religion, son histoire, ses courants et les défis auxquels elle doit faire face aujourd’hui, dans un monde en perpétuelle mutation.

Par définition, l’islam est amour et paix. Au fil des siècles, il a conquis le cœur de millions d’individus à travers le globe. Ses préceptes prônent la facilité et les valeurs universelles auxquelles aspire tout un chacun : paix, respect, justice, solidarité, partage, fraternité, dignité, honneur…

Jamel Khermimoun présente aux lecteurs une perspective historique qui permet de mieux comprendre ce qu’est l’islam, loin des préjugés. Par l’étendue de son aire d’influence ainsi que par le nombre et la diversité de ses adeptes, l’islam s’est forgé une identité complexe et singulière qui démontre sa prédisposition à s’adapter aux changements et aux populations.

Resources related to Islam Studies


The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī

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Jesus in Recent Qur’an Translations | The Jesus of the Qur’an vs. the Jesus of the New Testament

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In this video, Gabriel Said Reynolds discusses the presentation of Jesus in the Qur'an and how it is interpreted and rendered in English by recent translations of the Qur'an. I show that recent tra...


Salafist Movements in Europe: Between Local and Transnational Mobilizations

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For a dialogical theological fraternity: a rereading of the Document on Human Fraternity in light of the earliest Arabic theological writings

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Islam and the question of honor: the Quranic point of view and Ghazali’s reflection

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Honor is a theme of reflection present in Islam, both in its sources and in its "legal", moral, and spiritual reflection. The Quran operates a moral and religious revolution by making man's positio...


The Guide, Pivot of Creation: The Sources of Shi’i Gnosis

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Azharis, Representations of Christianity, and the Vagaries of Islamic-Christian Dialogue (1930s-2020s)

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