Muslim spiritual guidance in the interfaith and secular context
Conference organised by the Swiss Center for Islam & Society Muslim chaplaincy in public institutions in Switzerland was born in response to a concrete need. On the one hand, it is situated at the thres...
to 30/05/22 to 31/05/22
International Conference On the Future of Islamic-theological Studies
The Swiss Centre for Islam and Society (University of Fribourg) is organising a conference in Zurich on 9 and 10 February 30 and 31 May 2022 on the theme “On the Future of a Young Discipline – I...
to 02/12/21 to 03/12/21
International conference “Religion, State, and Law”
Les 2 et 3 décembre 2021, l’Université de Graz accueille le colloque international “Religion, État et droit : Défis nationaux, transnationaux et internationaux”. Il est organisée par la Fa...
DEADLINE : 01/11/21
[Postponed] IFCU Symposium / Preparing for the COVID-19 World
Postponed to an unspecified date Symposium organized by the International federation of catholic Universities.–> Postponed to an unspecified date. The covid 19 pandemic has been a major crisis of w...
to 06/11/20 to 07/11/20
Conference ‘Islam in school’
Conference oragnized by the by the Swiss Center for Islam and Society at the University of Fribourg.
Religion – Violence – Communication – World Order (Innsbruck)
RGKW (Religion-Gewalt-Kommunikation-Weltordnung) is an interdisciplinary centre of research based at the Faculty of Catholic Theology (Innsbruck). It conducts fundamental research in the field of religion-c...
Theological perception of the other and cross-views in a plural religious context (Beirut)
Comparative study of university curricula on religious pluralism and dialogue in Lebanon
Dynamics of Islamic radicalization in Europe: prevention and educational policies (Closed)
Since the “Arab Springs” breakout in 2011, Islamist radicalization in Europe progressively grew as ISIS spread violence and chaos in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The so-called “Islamic State” brought a new vision...
Ziaka Angeliki
Associate Professor of Religion
Dominique Avon
Director of studies at the EPHE (École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL) and director of the IISMM (Institute for the Study of Islam and Societies of the Muslim World).
Maryam Ballout
Assistant to the Cluster on Christian-Muslim Relations of the HEST Programme of the Jesuit Universities of Europe (Kircher Network)
Antonio Cuciniello
Chercheur en histoire des pays islamiques
Salim Daccache
Rector of Saint Joseph University in Beirut, Doctor of Literature and Philosophy and of Education.
Jaume Flaquer Garcia
Professeur de dialogue interreligieux, théologie des religions et islamologie
Hicham Abdel Gawad
PhD student in religious sciences, writer and trainer of religious facts in society.
Jamel El Hamri
Researcher in History of contemporary Islam, and Consultant on Islam, Youth and Citizenship
Mouhanad Khorchide
University Professor for Islamic Religious Education
Martina Kraml
University Professor of Catechesis/Religious Education and Didactics at the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Innsbruck
Michele Esposti Ongaro
Adjunct Professor in History of the Middle East
José Carlos Romero
Coordinateur du programme HEST
Nayla Tabbara
President of the Adyan Foundation, Professor of Religious Sciences and Islamic Studies
Roula Talhouk
Directrice de l’Institut d’études islamo-chrétiennes, Université Saint Joseph de Beyrouth. Professeur en théologie et anthropologie religieuse.
La gestion démocratique du pluralisme religieux et culturel : Que faire ?
Islamic religious education in public schools : a study on its implementation, curriculum and social impact on the spanish case
Conference of Jaume FLAQUER at the second international Congress of PLURIEL in Rome The actual implementation of the right to Islamic religious education, despite being formally recognised by the Cooperatio...
Being a Muslim in a Jesuit college
Original title : “Ser musulmán en un colegio jesuita” Paper by Lea FIEDLER, under the direction of Gonzalo VILLAGRÁN Abstract This article presents the process and the results of an investigatio...
The Abu Dhabi Document: A Potential Cornerstone for Islamic-Christian Dialogue in Italian Educational Contexts
In Italy, the migratory phenomenon has also had an impact on the school system, becoming an interesting potential field for intercultural and inter-religious encounters. As regards, for instance, the presen...
Training for dialogue
Lecture given at the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI) in Rome, 23 January 2015.
Inner Islam, passion and disenchantment
Education And Otherness: What are the Issues in a Context of Diversity?
In the era of the continuous call for the adoption of citizenship and living together (al Azhar declaration March 2017) and human brotherhood and common coexistence (Abu Dhabi document February 2019) as the...
Islam in France, in the image of the Tawhid editions
Producing Islamic Knowledge: Transmission and Dissemination in Western Europe
Exploring Islamic Social Work. Between Community and the Common Good
When Religions Contribute to Education for a more Fraternal Humanity
Arab and islamic humour
First lines of the introduction “The stereotype of the grim-faced Arab brandishing a scimitar is part of our collective imagination and is the result of centuries of struggle between the two sides of ...
Bachelor’s Programme Islamic Religious Education
The Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Islamic Religious Education offers basic education in Islamic theology and teaching religious education. Graduates of this programme are well versed in applying research r...
Master’s Degree Programme in Islamic Religious Education
The Master’s Degree Programme in Islamic Religious Education offers a thorough education in Islamic theology and teaching religious education. Graduates are qualified for work in the field of education and ...
Master in Christian-Muslim relations
In September 2007, the Institute of Islamic-Christian Studies at Saint Joseph University in Beirut opened a “Master in Islamic-Christian Relations” in Arabic. In September 2011, this course is d...