
University platform for research on Islam

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Jamel Khermimoun

Jamel Khermimoun is a geographer and holds a PhD from the University of Paris-Sorbonne. He has a degree in Political, Cultural and Historical Geography and is a member of the Expert Advisory Group of the Yale Forum on Religion and Ecology (Yale School of the Environment, Yale University). He is the author of Politiques urbaines et image du territoire (L’Harmattan, 2008), Français et musulman (L’Œuvre, 2011), Ethique et environnement (L’Harmattan, 2016), L’environnement et l’islam (Albouraq, 2018), Islam in Modern Societies (Westbow Press, 2018) and L’essentiel sur l’islam (Albouraq, 2022). His research focuses on the relationship and interaction between identity, culture and spirituality in Europe and in modern societies. In parallel, he is interested in environmental and sustainable development issues and their spatial, societal and ethical dimensions. He is a member of the editorial board of The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society and a reviewer for The New Directions in the Humanities Journal Collection. He is a member of the research committees of the International Political Science Association (IPSA) and the research networks “Religion in Society”, “On Sustainability” and “Interdisciplinary Social Sciences” (University of Illinois).

Latest article, published in The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society : Environmental Crisis, Concept of Sustainable Development, Islamic Values, and a Global Alternative.

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