
University platform for research on Islam

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The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī

Among the works of Arabic literature concerning the genre of Mawlid, certainly al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid is a text that has achieved great popularity and spread to large parts of the Islamic world. Indeed, emphasising the miraculous and marvellous aspects of the life of the Prophet until his death, it has for longer than three centuries been a reference text of religious devotion throughout the Muslim world. Therefore, the purpose of the present essay is a systematic analysis of its contents, specifically across the different sections of the prose text (nathr) of al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid, with particular attention to all the Qur’ānic references, along with those related to the Sunna and al-Sīra al-nabawiyya.

Parmi les œuvres de la littérature arabe relatives à la célébration de la naissance du Prophète, le Mawlid d’al-Barzanjī est un texte qui a acquis une grande popularité et s’est répandu dans de grandes parties du monde islamique. En effet, soulignant les aspects miraculeux et merveilleux de la vie du Prophète jusqu’à sa mort, il est depuis plus de trois siècles un texte de référence de la dévotion religieuse à travers le monde musulman. Par conséquent, le but du présent article est une analyse systématique de son contenu, en particulier les différentes sections du texte en prose (nathr) du Mawlid d’al-Barzanjī, avec une attention particulière aux références coraniques, ainsi qu’à celles liées à la Sunna et al-Sīra al-nabawiyya.

Resources of this researcher


The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī

Among the works of Arabic literature concerning the genre of Mawlid, certainly al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid is a text that has achieved great popularity and spread to large parts of the Islamic world. Inde...


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Religious Traditions in the Face of the Crisis of the Liberal System: The Case of Islam

Proceedings of the conference organised by the Cathoilic University of Milan on October 9th, 2019. Abstract :  Religions have regained a considerable role in the public space, to an extent that ...


For a human fraternity – Christians and Muslims united in diversity

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Muslim students at school

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Disease, death and cure. Muslims and the health emergency

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Joseph in the Qur’ān, a prophetic narrative. Incidents and specific language

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