
University platform for research on Islam

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Religious Freedom in Italy. An Impossible Paradigm

Italy, seat of the Pope and Vatican City, has a long and difficult relationship with religious freedom. Often identified as a quintessentially Catholic nation, Italy owes its unification to a political class that advocated for the separation of Church and State. Home of the Concordat, contemporary Italy recognizes a particular notion of legal secularism (laicità) as the supreme principle of its constitutional order. Through the lens of law, tracing the history of the right to religious freedom from Unification to the present day, the nine chapters of the book allow us to understand the paradoxes and contradictions of a complex system made up of unresolved stratifications where strong constitutional recognition of religious freedom is accompanied by weak legislative protection of religious pluralism and, at the same time, vigorous religious action in the public space. Religious freedom in Italy offers an interpretation of a model of religious freedom that is not only a paradigm for many European experiences, but also a possible interpretative parameter for better understanding the dynamics of religious freedom between the two shores of the Mediterranean.

L’Italie, siège du Pape et de la Cité du Vatican, entretient une relation longue et difficile avec la liberté religieuse. Souvent identifiée comme une nation catholique par excellence, l’Italie doit son unification à une classe politique qui prônait la séparation de l’Église et de l’État. Patrie du Concordat, l’Italie contemporaine reconnaît une notion particulière de laïcité juridique (laicità) comme principe suprême de son ordre constitutionnel. À travers le prisme du droit, retraçant l’histoire du droit à la liberté religieuse de l’Unification à nos jours, les neuf chapitres du livre permettent de comprendre les paradoxes et les contradictions d’un système complexe fait de stratifications non résolues où une forte reconnaissance constitutionnelle de la liberté religieuse s’accompagne d’une faible protection législative du pluralisme religieux et, en même temps, d’une vigoureuse action religieuse dans l’espace public. La liberté religieuse en Italie offre une interprétation d’un modèle de liberté religieuse qui n’est pas seulement un paradigme pour de nombreuses expériences européennes, mais aussi un paramètre interprétatif possible pour mieux comprendre les dynamiques de la liberté religieuse entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée.

إيطاليا، مقر البابا ودولة الفاتيكان، لها علاقة طويلة ومعقدة مع الحرية الدينية. غالبًا ما يُنظر إليها كدولة كاثوليكية بامتياز، لكن إيطاليا تدين بتوحيدها إلى طبقة سياسية دعت إلى فصل الكنيسة عن الدولة. وطن الكونكوردات، تعترف إيطاليا المعاصرة بمفهوم خاص للعلمانية القانونية (laicità) كمبدأ أعلى في نظامها الدستوري. من خلال منظور القانون، وتتبع تاريخ الحق في الحرية الدينية من التوحيد إلى يومنا هذا، تسمح فصول الكتاب التسعة بفهم مفارقات وتناقضات نظام معقد مكون من طبقات غير محلولة حيث يتزامن الاعتراف الدستوري القوي بالحرية الدينية مع حماية تشريعية ضعيفة للتعددية الدينية، وفي الوقت نفسه، مع عمل ديني قوي في الفضاء العام. تقدم الحرية الدينية في إيطاليا تفسيرًا لنموذج الحرية الدينية الذي ليس فقط نموذجًا للعديد من التجارب الأوروبية، ولكنه أيضًا معيار تفسيري محتمل لفهم ديناميات الحرية الدينية بين ضفتي البحر المتوسط بشكل أفضل.

Resources of this researcher


Religious minorities between the Mediterranean shores: a study of the status of religious minorities in the Mediterranean context (REMiMEsO) – Final Report

The REMiMESo project, led by Ilaria Valenzi and supported by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, explores the situation of religious minorities in five Mediterranean countries: Israel, Morocco...


Religious Freedom in Italy. An Impossible Paradigm

Italy, seat of the Pope and Vatican City, has a long and difficult relationship with religious freedom. Often identified as a quintessentially Catholic nation, Italy owes its unification to a polit...


Contemporary Issues in Islamic Law, Economics and Finance

This book explores how Islam can impact the structures and performance of firms, financial institutions and capital markets across a range of countries and industries. The Islamic finance industry ...


Understanding freedom of religion around the Mediterranean

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Religions and Constitutional Transitions in the Muslim Mediterranean

This book investigates the role of Islam and religious freedom in the constitutional transitions of six North African and Middle Eastern countries, namely Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, ...


The Question of Otherness in Classical Islam | Respondents

Following the lecture: "The question of Otherness in Classical Islam" given by Raja SAKRANI, three members of the scientific committee of the PLURIEL network give answers according to the three axe...


The right of religious freedom between the two shores of the Mediterranean: dynamics and perspectives (Italian)

Speaker: Prof. Alessandro Ferrari Moderator: P. Laurent Basanese, S.J. Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, November 19th, 2018 Original title : "È diritto di libertà religiosa tra le due spo...


The right to religious freedom: a tool for managing citizen pluralism on both sides of the Mediterranean

Original title : "Il diritto di libertà religiosa: strumento di gestione del pluralismo cittadino sulle due rive del mediterraneo" Lecture by Alessandro FERRARI at the second international Congr...


Law and Religion in Mediterranean Islam

Subtitle: National Reports on Safeguarding Religious Freedom: An Alternative Paradigm? In the era of the "Arab Spring" and the profound transformations that the Muslim-majority countries of the ...

Resources related to Freedom of Religion


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Religious Freedom in Italy. An Impossible Paradigm

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