
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : il Mulino - Bologna



Law and Religion in Mediterranean Islam

Subtitle: National Reports on Safeguarding Religious Freedom: An Alternative Paradigm?

In the era of the “Arab Spring” and the profound transformations that the Muslim-majority countries of the southern shore of the Mediterranean are undergoing, it is of fundamental importance to reflect on the role of religion in the current process of “state-building”. The relationship between law (of the state) and religion (of the nation) seems to be taking on a new centrality as soon as the aspiration to a “democratic” organisation puts the focus not only on the strength of numbers necessary for the government of the political entity, but, above all, it could be said that the fundamental freedoms of democracy are the sine qua non.

The protection of religious freedom, in its positive and negative forms and in its various manifestations, is an essential test for the Muslim-majority states of the Mediterranean. This volume takes stock, for the first time, of the state of the right to religious freedom in the countries of “Mediterranean Islam” by dealing with all the nodes and the most central aspects – places of worship, protection and role of religious minorities, apostasy, the concrete meaning of the “Islamism” of the States – clarifying the present challenges and future prospects of a relationship, precisely that between State law and the Muslim religion, which is fundamental for the construction, between the two shores of the Mediterranean, of an area, not only geographical, of harmonious coexistence.

Sous-titre : Rapports nationaux sur la sauvegarde de la liberté religieuse : un paradigme alternatif ?

À l’époque du «printemps arabe», des transformations profondes que connaissent les pays à majorité musulmane de la rive sud de la Méditerranée, réfléchir sur le rôle de la religion dans le processus actuel de «state-building» est d’une importance fondamentale. Le rapport entre le droit (de l’Etat) et la religion (de la Nation) semble retrouver une nouvelle place centrale à partir du moment où l’aspiration à une organisation «démocratique» met au centre de l’attention non seulement la force des nombres nécessaire au gouvernement de l’ensemble politique mais, On pourrait dire surtout que les libertés fondamentales de la démocratie constituent la condition sine qua non.

La protection de la liberté religieuse, dans ses déclinaisons positives et négatives et dans ses différentes formes de manifestation, constitue un test incontournable pour les États à majorité musulmane de la Méditerranée. Ce volume fait le point, pour la première fois, de l’état du droit à la liberté religieuse dans les pays de l’«Islam méditerranéen» en traitant tous les nœuds et les aspects les plus centraux – lieux de culte, protection et rôle des minorités religieuses, apostasie, signification concrète de la «islamisme» des États – en clarifiant les défis présents et les perspectives d’avenir d’un rapport, celui précisément entre droit de l’État et religion musulmane, fondamental pour la construction, entre les deux rives de la Méditerranée, d’un espace, non seulement géographique, de coexistence harmonieuse.

Al tempo della «primavera araba», delle profonde trasformazioni che stanno vivendo i paesi a maggioranza musulmana della sponda Sud del Mediterraneo, riflettere sul ruolo della religione nell’attuale processo di «state-building» è di fondamentale importanza. Il rapporto tra diritto (dello Stato) e religione (della Nazione) sembra riacquistare nuova centralità dal momento in cui l’aspirazione ad un assetto «democratico» pone al centro dell’attenzione non solo la forza dei numeri necessaria al governo della compagine politica ma, si potrebbe dire soprattutto, le libertà fondamentali che della democrazia costituiscono il presupposto indispensabile. La tutela della libertà religiosa, nelle sue declinazioni positive e negative e nelle sue diverse forme di manifestazione, rappresenta un banco di prova ineludibile per gli Stati a maggioranza musulmana del Mediterraneo. Questo volume fa il punto, per la prima volta, dello stato del diritto di libertà religiosa nei paesi dell’«Islam mediterraneo» trattandone tutti i nodi e i risvolti più centrali – luoghi di culto, tutela e ruolo delle minoranze religiose, apostasia, significato concreto della «islamicità» degli Stati – chiarendo le sfide presenti e le prospettive future di un rapporto, quello appunto tra diritto dello Stato e religione musulmana, fondamentale per la costruzione, fra le due sponde del Mediterraneo, di uno spazio, non solo geografico, di armonica convivenza.

Resources of this researcher


Religious Freedom in Italy. An Impossible Paradigm

Italy, seat of the Pope and Vatican City, has a long and difficult relationship with religious freedom. Often identified as a quintessentially Catholic nation, Italy owes its unification to a polit...


Contemporary Issues in Islamic Law, Economics and Finance

This book explores how Islam can impact the structures and performance of firms, financial institutions and capital markets across a range of countries and industries. The Islamic finance industry ...


Understanding freedom of religion around the Mediterranean

How to manage religious plurality? Three researchers from our network look back at the history of the northern, eastern and southern shores of the Mediterranean to understand the diversity of legal...


Religions and Constitutional Transitions in the Muslim Mediterranean

This book investigates the role of Islam and religious freedom in the constitutional transitions of six North African and Middle Eastern countries, namely Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Turkey, ...


The Question of Otherness in Classical Islam | Respondents

Following the lecture: "The question of Otherness in Classical Islam" given by Raja SAKRANI, three members of the scientific committee of the PLURIEL network give answers according to the three axe...


The right of religious freedom between the two shores of the Mediterranean: dynamics and perspectives (Italian)

Speaker: Prof. Alessandro Ferrari Moderator: P. Laurent Basanese, S.J. Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, November 19th, 2018 Original title : "È diritto di libertà religiosa tra le due spo...


The right to religious freedom: a tool for managing citizen pluralism on both sides of the Mediterranean

Original title : "Il diritto di libertà religiosa: strumento di gestione del pluralismo cittadino sulle due rive del mediterraneo" Lecture by Alessandro FERRARI at the second international Congr...


Law and Religion in Mediterranean Islam

Subtitle: National Reports on Safeguarding Religious Freedom: An Alternative Paradigm? In the era of the "Arab Spring" and the profound transformations that the Muslim-majority countries of the ...

Resources related to Freedom of Religion


Religious Freedom in Italy. An Impossible Paradigm

  • Alessandro Ferrari

Italy, seat of the Pope and Vatican City, has a long and difficult relationship with religious freedom. Often identified as a quintessentially Catholic nation, Italy owes its unification to a polit...


From the Declaration “Nostra Aetate” to the Document of Abu Dhabi: Reexamining a Historical and Theological Trajectory in the Catholic Approach to Islamic-Christian Dialogue

  • Jean-Jacques Pérennès

Jean Jacques Pérennès, former director of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, proposes a re-examination of the Catholic approach to Islamic-Christian dialogue, from the Nost...


Religions put to the test by freedom of expression

  • Michel Younès
  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa
  • Malek Chaïeb

“In the republican context, freedom of expression involves all the players in society and mobilises a wide range of intellectual resources. What then are the conditions that foster it while r...


The authoritarian republic. Islam in France and the Republican illusion

  • Haoues Seniguer

Publisher’s presentation The logic of suspicion has become the compass of the French state. Since 2015 and the attacks of January and November, the preventive and repressive policy of the Sta...


Exclusively for Adherents of ‘Divinely Revealed’ Religions?

  • Mohamed Gamal Ali

How did the preparatory work for the Egyptian constitutions discuss issues of freedom of religion and belief? « The term “divinely revealed religions” is used in the constitution, laws, and some...


Religious Pluralism in Post-“Arab Spring” Morocco

  • Youssef Boutahar

Title of the lecture : "Re-problematizing the Religious Majority-Minority Dialectics in Post-Arab Spring Morocco: Between Subalternity and Digital Disobedience" Given the debate currently prevai...


The legal status of non-Muslims in Algeria. The example of evangelicals and Ahmadis.

  • Zohra Aziadé Zemirli

This book, which focuses on the situation before 2019, provides keys to explaining the origins of the popular protest movement, the hirak. It shows how the State controls the society, which is pred...


Between Standardization And Otherness: Being A Muslim In The In The French Armed Forces

  • Elyamine Settoul

Already present since the colonisation process, the question of Islam within the French army has reappeared strongly with the settling down of the populations resulting from the great waves of indu...