
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Amir Dziri

Born in 1984 in Tunis, Amir Dziri is a professor of Islamic studies and co-director of the Swiss Center for Islam and Society at the University of Fribourg since 2017. After studying in Bonn and obtaining a doctorate in Münster, Germany, his research focuses on the Islamic tradition in relation to contemporary philosophical, ethical and societal issues. With extensive experience in interreligious dialogue, he has studied and taught at several German universities. His interdisciplinary profile combining studies in German and French allows him to participate in debates on Islam in Switzerland and internationally. His numerous publications deal with theology, philosophy, history of ideas and social issues in Islam.

Member of the Research group

Centre suisse islam et société - Switzerland

Islamic-theological studies with a focus on “Islam and society” (Fribourg)

The Swiss Centre “Islam and Society” runs a doctoral programme “Islam and Society: Islamic-theological studies” designed to study specific, multidisciplinary themes and to support doctoral students in research projects related to Islamic studies and society in the Swiss context. Multidisciplinary approach It is a research and training programme with both specific and transversal themes. It […]

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Resources related toFaith and Reason


The Mihna. Deconstruction and reconsideration of the Mu’tazilite role in the “Inquisition

  • Marco Demichelis

Abstract The Miḥna has usually been attributed to the Mu‘tazilite theological school as expression of something unusual, a bid‘ah (Islamic innovation) related to a rationalist group of theologia...


The right of religious freedom between the two shores of the Mediterranean: dynamics and perspectives (Italian)

  • Alessandro Ferrari

Speaker: Prof. Alessandro Ferrari Moderator: P. Laurent Basanese, S.J. Pontificia Universita Gregoriana, November 19th, 2018 Original title : "È diritto di libertà religiosa tra le due spo...


The historical debate on secularisation between F. Antun and M. Abduh.

  • Marco Demichelis

Full title : 'The historical debate on secularisation between F. Antun and M. Abduh. God's absolutism and Islam's irrationality as cornerstones of orientalist islamic-christian dispute during the N...


The Lies of Abraham

  • Valentino Cottini

Original title : "Le menzogne di Abramo" Even Abraham, the first of Israel's patriarchs and one of Islam's prophets, lied. The peculiar account of his lie, concerning his wife presented by him a...


Philosophical mediation, the case of al-Fārābī

  • Yosra Garmi

Lecture given on 14 October 2021 at the Catholic University of Lyon during the conference « Radicalisation leading to violence in the name of Islam, Epistemological, methodological and ethical appr...


God and man in the teachings of the anatolian alevis

  • Timo Güzelmansur

Volume 2 of the CIBEDO publication series With a preface by Karl Cardinal Lehmann The Alevis of Anatolia are considered another important group in Islam, alongside the Sunnis and Shiites. Neverthel...


The civilizational vocation of Islam in the work of Malek Bennabi

  • Jamel El Hamri

Original Title : La vocation civilisationnelle de l'islam dans l'oeuvre de Malek Bennabi This is an injunction for Muslim society to make history. Rather little recognised in his time and still ...


Belonging to the ummah: contemporary issues, ambiguities and challenges

Lecture of Ghaleb BENCHEIKH, Chairman of the World Conference of Religions for Peace and president of the Fondation de l'islam de France Lecture given at the second international Congress of PLU...