
University platform for research on Islam

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Gabriel Said Reynolds

G.S. Reynolds did his doctoral work at Yale University in Islamic Studies. Currently he researches the Qur’ān and Muslim/Christian relations and is Professor of Islamic Studies and Theology in the Department of Theology at Notre Dame. He is the author of The Qurʾan and the Bible (Yale 2018), and Allah: God in the Qur’an (Yale 2020), among other works.

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Resources related toQuranic Studies


‘Inimitable’ Koran ?

  • Tobias Specker

Interview with Pr. Tobias Specker, professor of Catholic Theology in the light of Islam at Sankt Georgen Graduate school of Philosophy and Theology, Frankfurt, Germany, about his book : Gottes Wort...


New researches on the Qur’an and the origins of islam (French)

  • Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi

Speaker : Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi Moderator : P. Diego Sarrió Cucarella Introduction : P. Laurent Basanese S.J. Conference organized by the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, 28 Feb...


The Lies of Abraham

  • Valentino Cottini

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From Apology to Dialogue with Others in Shia Islamic Studies: The Case of Muhammad Jawad al-Balaghi

  • Mohammad Zaraket

First International Congress of the University Platform for Research on Islam in Europe and Lebanon (PLURIEL): theological axis Speaker: Mohammad Zaraket, teacher at Saint Joseph University in B...


The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī

  • Antonio Cuciniello

Among the works of Arabic literature concerning the genre of Mawlid, certainly al-Barzanjī’s Mawlid is a text that has achieved great popularity and spread to large parts of the Islamic world. Inde...


Unity of God and unity in God – a possible perspective and way of dialogue between the believers?

  • Vanessa Breidy

A shῑ‘ῑ perspective of dialogue developed by D. Mohammad Ali Shomali. Talking about unity between believers and calling them to act upon it is not new in Islam. The Qur’ān and the early history o...


Religion and Territories (Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact, USJ, Beyrouth)

  • Thom Sicking
  • Houda Kassatly
  • Nour Farra Haddad

Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact of the Faculty of Religious Sciences of the USJ. (10-11 February 2017) Publ...


Fadl Allāh. The concept of “grace” in the Quran, similarity and contrast with the Bible


Abstract The question from which this article starts is the word “grace”. Are there in the Qur’an and Islamic tradition one or more concepts to be compared with the theological concept of grace in...