
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Anna Hager

Postdoctoral Resarcher at Austrian Science Fund FWF

Articles :

Hulsman, Cornelis, From Ruling to Opposition; Islamist Movements and Non-Islamist Groups in Egypt (Marburg: Tectum, 2016), Co-éditrice

From ʻPolytheists’ to ʻPartners in the Nation’: Islamist Attitudes towards Coptic Egyptians in Post-Revolutionary Egypt (2011-2013), Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, Volume 29, 3 (2018): 289-308 [DOI:]

Die Kopten und der Arabische Frühling. Zwischen politischer Emanzipation und MinderheitenstatusÉtudes Asiatiques/Asiatische Studien, Volume 72, 3 (2018): 795-817, [DOI:]

The Orthodox Issue in Jordan: The Struggle for an Arab and Orthodox IdentityStudies in World Christianity, Volume 24,3 (2018): 212–233 (forthcoming), [DOI: 10.3366/SWC. 2018. 0228]

ʻLebanon is more than a Nation, more than a Country. It is a Message.’ Lebanon as a Model of Christian-Muslim Relations, Journal of Beliefs and Values, special issue ʻHow do we see each other? Interdisciplinary studies of relations between Abrahamic religions,’ Volume 38, 3 (2017): 286-295, [DOI:]

Affiliation institution(s)

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