
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Bayard -



The demystified veil

Publisher Overview

“A totally new discourse in the history of Islam has been spreading for some years in France, according to which the veil is a prescription and a religious practice! This is one of the greatest mystifications that Muslims have ever produced about their own religion. ‘ In the debates surrounding the law prohibiting ostentatious religious signs in French schools, what appeared to be fundamental was not so much the question of religious freedom, never questioned, as that of equality between men and women. The veil is less an instrument of emancipation than a subtle voluntary servitude.

The author dismantles, in a documented manner and in a serene freedom of tone, the springs that lead to the wearing of the veil a sort of sixth pillar of Islam. It shows what such a diversion of meaning conceals and reveals at the same time. What if the veil was above all a matter of men wishing to protect themselves from a woman subject to permanent desires?

This book is no longer published

Présentation de l’éditeur

“Un discours totalement inédit dans l’histoire de l’islam se propage depuis quelques années en France, selon lequel le voile est une prescription et une pratique religieuse ! Il s’agit là d’une des plus grandes mystifications que des musulmans aient jamais produites sur leur propre religion.” Dans les débats qui ont entouré la loi interdisant les signes religieux ostentatoires à l’école, ce qui est apparu comme fondamental, ce n’est pas tant la question de la liberté religieuse, jamais remise en cause, que celle de l’égalité entre hommes et femmes. Le voile est moins un instrument d’émancipation qu’une subtile servitude volontaire. L’auteure démonte, de façon documentée et dans une sereine liberté de ton, les ressorts qui conduisent à faire du port du voile une sorte de sixième pilier de l’islam. Elle manifeste ce qu’un tel détournement de sens cache et révèle à la fois. Et si le voile était avant tout une affaire d’hommes désireux de se protéger d’une femme objet de désirs permanents ?

Ce livre n’est plus édité

Resources of this researcher


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The Genre of the Mawlid Narrative in the mid-12th h./18th Century as Exemplified by al-Barzanjī

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Revival and Dynamics of Islamic Studies in Europe

“In a troubled international context where Islam is sometimes defined as an ideological marker of many conflicts, academic research drawing on history, sociology, and political science has mu...


Strangers with God. A Theology of Hospitality in the Three Abrahamic Religions


Jesus in Recent Qur’an Translations | The Jesus of the Qur’an vs. the Jesus of the New Testament

In this video, Gabriel Said Reynolds discusses the presentation of Jesus in the Qur'an and how it is interpreted and rendered in English by recent translations of the Qur'an. I show that recent tra...


Can Christians Learn from Qur’anic Christology? Leo Lefebure’s Theology of Judaism and Islam

Published in Publié dans Christian Perspectives on Transforming Interreligious Encounter “Christian Perspectives on Transforming Interreligious Encounter” underscores the urgency of int...


The Relationship between Islam and Science: from Medieval Harmony to Contemporary concordism

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Religious Freedom in Italy. An Impossible Paradigm

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Resources related to Women in Islam


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The demystified veil

Publisher Overview “A totally new discourse in the history of Islam has been spreading for some years in France, according to which the veil is a prescription and a religious practice! This i...