
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : IDEO - Institut dominicain d'études orientales, IFAO - Institut français d'archéologie orientale - Cairo




MIDEO 35 – Interactions between Twelver Shiites and Christians

This volume 35 is made up of a dossier gathering most of the papers presented at the conference held in April 2018 at the Institut Catholique de Paris on the interactions between Imamites and Christians. Starting from the hypothesis that history, theology, and literature bear witness to the intercultural dimension of encounters and relationships, the authors show how the identities of each person have been shaped and constructed. The history of missionaries, accounts of travels, diplomatic letters from writers or polemicists shed light on the reality of these exchanges and the linguistic, cultural and theological transfers, beyond a dogmatic, hegemonic and closed vision of theological statements.

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Ce volume 35 est constitué d’un dossier rassemblant la plupart des communications tenues lors du colloque d’avril 2018 à l’Institut catholique de Paris sur les interactions entre imamites et chrétiens. À partir de l’hypothèse que l’histoire, la théologie, la littérature témoignent de la dimension interculturelle des rencontres et des relations, les auteurs montrent comment les identités de chacun se sont façonnées et construites. L’histoire de missionnaires, les récits de voyages, les lettres diplomatiques d’écrivains ou de polémistes permettent en effet de mettre en lumière la réalité de ces échanges et les transferts linguistiques, culturels, théologiques, au-delà d’une vision dogmatique, hégémonique et fermée de l’énoncé théologique.

Ce numéro est disponible sur OpenEdition :

يحتوي هذا المجلّد رقم ٣٥ على ملفٍّ يجمع معظم الأبحاث المقدَّمة في المؤتمر الّذي عُقد في شهر أبريل ٢٠١٨ في الجامعة الكاثوليكيّة في باريس حول التفاعلات بين الشيعة الإماميّة والمسيحيّين. اعتمادًا على الفرضيّة القائلة بأنّ التاريخ واللاهوت وعلم الكلام والأدب شواهد على التفاعلات الثقافيّة بين مختلف الطوائف من البشر، يوضّح المؤلّفون كيف تمّ تشكيل هويّات الأشخاص وبنائها. يسلّط تاريخ المبشّرين وروايات رحلاتهم والرسائل الدبلوماسيّة من مؤلّفين —قد يكونون مجادلين— الضوءَ على حقيقة هذه التفاعلات والتحولات اللغويّة والثقافيّة واللاهوتيّة والكلاميّة، بما يتجاوز الرؤية المهيمِنة والمغلقة للتعبيرات العقائديّة الخاصّة لكلّ طائفة.

Resources of this researcher


Muslim Theologies of Religious Pluralism. Proceedings of the Colloquium Held on November 20 and 21, 2021

The laboratory of the Institute of Science and Theology of Religions of Paris (Theologicum, ICP) presents here the outcome of four years of research on the theme of religious pluralism in Islam. Wh...


MIDÉO No. 37: Recitation in the early centuries of Islam

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Synthesis of the congress ‘Islam and Otherness’

Friar Emmanuel Pisani, Director of the Dominican Institute of Oriental Studies, Cairo 3rd International Congress of the PLURIEL network, from 23 to 27 May 2022 in Beirut. In partnership with the ...


Heterodox and non-Muslim in the thought of Abū Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī

This study addresses the question of how to view and understand religious otherness from a Muslim perspective, in the light of one of its greatest thinkers. Starting from a questioning of the statu...


al-Ġazālī, a figure of a magisterial authority?

Conference « Religious Authority in Islam », organised by the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions and the Research Unit of the Catholic University of Lyon (UCLy), on 18 and 19 November 2...


In Islam, why do certain people occupy the center of the scene more than others?

Elements of answers to a question studied by the research group on the theme “Authority and regulation in Islam” of the Centre for the Study of Cultures and Religions (CECR, UCLy) The group brin...


MIDEO 36 – Iǧtihād and taqlīd in Sunnī and Šīʿī Islam

The theme of iǧtihād and taqlīd, by pointing to the notional antagonism between independent reasoning on the one hand and submission to the argument of authority on the other, plunges us into the h...


Islam and Otherness : presentation of the 3rd PLURIEL International Congress

Presentation of the theme and the stakes of the 3rd international congress of PLURIEL. Planned to take place in Beirut in April 2020, it had to be rescheduled and reshaped due to the global heal...


Religions and dialogues

Founded in 1967 in the wake of the Vatican Council II at the request of the missionary congregations and of Rome, by Fathers Jean Daniélou and Henri Bouillard, the Paris Institute of Science and Th...

Resources related toShia Islam


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The Hidden Imam and religious and spiritual authority in Shia Islam

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MIDEO 36 – Iǧtihād and taqlīd in Sunnī and Šīʿī Islam

  • Emmanuel Pisani

The theme of iǧtihād and taqlīd, by pointing to the notional antagonism between independent reasoning on the one hand and submission to the argument of authority on the other, plunges us into the h...


MIDEO 35 – Interactions between Twelver Shiites and Christians

  • Emmanuel Pisani

This volume 35 is made up of a dossier gathering most of the papers presented at the conference held in April 2018 at the Institut Catholique de Paris on the interactions between Imamites and Chris...


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