
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Pontificia Universita Gregoriana - Rome


When Religions Contribute to Education for a more Fraternal Humanity

What resources are religions endowed with to educate for a more fraternal humanity? To respond to this question, a study day was organised on February 24th 2020 at the Pontifical Gregorian University and in collaboration with the PISAI amongst representatives of various religions, including a Christian, a Muslim, a Jew, a Hindu, a Buddhist and an exponent of the traditional African religions. This volume of the Series Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations brings together the conferences of the experts who have reflected on the role of religions in education and formation in an increasingly globalized and complex world where diversity presents itself as a real challenge for living together.

Quelles ressources possèdent les religions pour éduquer à la fraternité universelle ? Pour répondre à cette question, une Journée d’étude a été organisée le 24 février 2020 à l’Université pontificale Grégorienne et en collaboration avec le PISAI entre spécialistes et représentants de différentes religions dont un chrétien, un musulman, un juif, un hindou, un bouddhiste et un membre des religions traditionnelles africaines. Ce numéro de la Série Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations rassemble les conférences des experts qui ont réfléchi sur le rôle des religions dans l’éducation et la formation dans un monde toujours plus globalisé et complexe où la diversité se présente comme un vrai défi pour le vivre-ensemble.


ما هي الموارد التي تمتلكها الأديان من اجل التثقيف على مبدأ الأخويّة الشاملة؟ من أجل الإجابة عن هذا السؤال، نُظِّمَ يوم دراسي في 24 شباط/ فبراير 2020 في الجامعة البابوية الغريغورية بالتعاون مع المعهد البابوي للدراسات العربية والإسلامية شارك فيها مختصون وممثّلون عن الأديان المختلفة بما فيهم شخص مسيحي، وآخر مسلم، ويهودي، وهندوسي، وبوذي، وعضو ممثل للأديان التقليديّة الأفريقيّة. يجمع هذا العدد من سلسلة Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations محاضرات الخبراء الذين بحثوا في دور الأديان في التثقيف والتدريب في عالم يزداد عولمةً وتعقيدًا حيث يظهر التنوّع كتحدّ حقيقي يواجه العيش المشترك.

Resources of this researcher


The document on human fraternity: an interdisciplinary reflection

The volume, published in the series “Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations” (No. 14), brings together contributions from ten international scholars on the Document on Human Fr...


When Religions Contribute to Education for a more Fraternal Humanity

What resources are religions endowed with to educate for a more fraternal humanity? To respond to this question, a study day was organised on February 24th 2020 at the Pontifical Gregorian Universi...


Islam and Belonging. Proceedings of the PLURIEL 2nd International Congress

After its first international congress in Lyon from 6 to 9 September 2016 on the theme “Islam in the Plural: Faith, Thought, Society”[1], the current study brings together the proceedin...


Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations – N°10 – The challenge of religions

The publication of the Series Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations has been restarted. "The Series Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations" started in 1999. Its purpose is to ...


The document on human fraternity: a new horizon for Islamic-Christian dialogue? (Italian)

Lecturers : Adnane Mokrani, P. Laurent Basanese S.J. Moderator: Valentino Cottini   Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, April 8th, 2019 This conference marks the launch of the r...


Retrospective: Congress 2018 “Islam and Belonging”

Retrospective on the Second International Congress of PLURIEL that has been held at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Roma, in June 2018, on the theme "Islam and Belonging". Excerpts of con...


Congress “Islam and Belonging”: synthesis by the Jesuit theologian Laurent Basanèse

Synthesis of the second International Congrès of PLURIEL in Rome, by Laurent BASANÈSE, director of the Gregorian Center for Inter-religious Studies    

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