
University platform for research on Islam

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Laurent Basanese

Born in Lyon (France), Laurent Basanese is an official of the Holy See’s Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue, a professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome and a member of the scientific committee of Pluriel. He joined the Jesuits in 1997 and holds a doctorate in Arabic and Islamic studies (Pontifical Institute for Arabic Studies and Islamology, Rome) and a doctorate in the sciences of religions and systems of thought (École pratique des hautes études, Paris). He founded and directed the Centre for Interreligious Studies at the Pontifical Gregorian University (2015-2021). He also relaunched the Interreligious and Intercultural Investigations series, which he directed from 2018 to 2021. In February 2020, he was appointed consultant to the Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.

Member of the Research group

Pontificia Università Gregoriana - Italy

Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d’Islamistica - Italy

For a new Mediterranean. Space for dialogue and prophecies of peace

Following the research work on the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Common Coexistence signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar Ahmad al-Tayyeb in Abu Dhabi on 4 February 2019, the Roman group of Pluriel Pontifical Gregorian University – PISAI wishes to continue the reflection with an interdisciplinary approach to […]

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Member of the Research group

Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d’Islamistica - Italy

Pontificia Università Gregoriana - Italy

The document on Human Fraternity: theological, philosophical and social reflections and developments (Rome)

Study on the theme of fraternity from the Abu Dhabi Document on HUMAN FRATERNITY FOR WORLD PEACE AND LIVING TOGETHETR, signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar on February 4, 2019

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In search of a comparative Christian social thought. A methodological proposal

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Islamochristiana Journal 49 (2024): “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture”

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  • Diego Sarrió Cucarella
  • Rémi Caucanas
  • Michel Younès
  • Geneviève Gobillot
  • Florence Javel
  • Yosra Garmi
  • Tobias Specker

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Online Symposium: Islamic Origins & Christian Theological Engagement with Islam

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  • Gabriel Said Reynolds
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  • David Marshall

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From the Declaration “Nostra Aetate” to the Document of Abu Dhabi: Reexamining a Historical and Theological Trajectory in the Catholic Approach to Islamic-Christian Dialogue

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