
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Al Bouraq -



Inner Islam, passion and disenchantment

Publisher’s Introduction

The contemporary evolution of Islam worries or fascinates. It involves millions of believers, living in societies with a Muslim “tradition” in the midst of upheaval or in new, deeply “secularized” territories such as France and Europe. But often the reference points coming from the interiority of Islam are missing, which would allow us to observe its permanence and to qualify its recompositions. With this book, which combines sociological analyses and an ethnographic approach, Leïla Babès proposes a new conceptualization of the relationship between lived Islam and constructed Islam.

Présentation de l’éditeur

L’évolution contemporaine de l’islam inquiète ou fascine. Elle implique des millions de croyants, vivant dans des sociétés de “tradition” musulmane en plein bouleversement ou dans des territoires nouveaux profondément “sécularisés” comme la France et l’Europe. Mais souvent manquent les repères provenant de l’intériorité de l’islam qui permettraient d’en observer les permanences et d’en qualifier les recompositions. Avec ce livre qui combine les analyses sociologiques et l’approche ethnographique, Leïla Babès propose une conceptualisation nouvelle des rapports entre l’islam vécu et l’islam construit.

Resources of this researcher


From Transnational Islamic Movements to Individual Religiosity: the Crisis of Religious Authority in Western European Muslim Communities

Islam has evolved in form over recent decades in Western European countries, where its lack of institutionalization and official representation allow different ideological trends, movements, and re...


“Christian-Muslim Relations in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring Beyond the Polemics over ‘The Innocence of Muslims'”

In September 2012, the video “The Innocence of Muslims” sparked outrage and demonstrations in the Middle East by depicting an attack against Copts by a Muslim group, associated with the...


Theology of Differences: New Perspectives for the Franciscan Mission of Dialogue with Islam

“We cannot escape, especially today, the provocation that comes from interreligious encounter. The future of humanity is linked to the ability to embrace differences.”


Religious Diversity, Interreligious Perspectives, and Islamic Religious Education in Switzerland: Current Situation and Room for Maneuver

Twenty years ago, the first pilot projects of Islamic religious education (IRE) in public schools in Switzerland caused a stir in some parts of the country. From a pedagogical perspective, the rati...


The term “dahr” (fate) in the Arabic language and its literature

It is obviously not possible to examine the entire Arab literary production: we will therefore start from the many examples of pre-Islamic verses to dwell then over the centuries on the repropositi...


Islam and Scientific Examination: A Renewed Quest

“How can we establish an objective, rigorous, and detached study of Islam in the face of the excesses generated by its politicization? It is to answer this burning question that the French In...


Muslim Theologies of Religious Pluralism. Proceedings of the Colloquium Held on November 20 and 21, 2021

The laboratory of the Institute of Science and Theology of Religions of Paris (Theologicum, ICP) presents here the outcome of four years of research on the theme of religious pluralism in Islam. Wh...


Islamochristiana Journal 49 (2024): “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture”

The title of this issue, “Maurice Borrmans and Mohamed Talbi: From Friendship to Rupture,” was suggested to us by a collection of articles that highlight different aspects of the relati...


Online Symposium: Islamic Origins & Christian Theological Engagement with Islam

Panelists David Marshall, University of Bern (Moderator), Guest Editor of Islamochristiana Martin Accad, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary Daniel Brown, ISRME Diego Sarrio Cucarella, PISAI Sa...


From the Declaration “Nostra Aetate” to the Document of Abu Dhabi: Reexamining a Historical and Theological Trajectory in the Catholic Approach to Islamic-Christian Dialogue

Jean Jacques Pérennès, former director of the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, proposes a re-examination of the Catholic approach to Islamic-Christian dialogue, from the Nost...

Resources related to Arts and Culture


MIDÉO No. 37: Recitation in the early centuries of Islam

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Islamic and christian spiritualities in Spain: influences, similarities, and parallels

  • Francisco de Borja Medina Rojas

Author : Francisco de Borja Medina Rojas Resource related to the group "Islam and society in contemporary Spain" Abstract : Two cultures, the Islamic and the Chris- tian, that, at first sigh...


The civilizational vocation of Islam in the work of Malek Bennabi

  • Jamel El Hamri

Original Title : La vocation civilisationnelle de l'islam dans l'oeuvre de Malek Bennabi This is an injunction for Muslim society to make history. Rather little recognised in his time and still ...


Proceedings of the Congress : Islam at plural, thought, faith, society

  • Michel Younès
  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa

Publication of the proceedings of the first congress of PLURIEL held from 6 to 9 September 2016 at the Catholic University of Lyon. Edited by Ali Mostfa and Michel Younès. The theme of the co...


Religion and Territories (Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact, USJ, Beyrouth)

  • Thom Sicking
  • Houda Kassatly
  • Nour Farra Haddad

Proceedings of the international colloquium organised by the Centre for the Study and Interpretation of Religious Fact of the Faculty of Religious Sciences of the USJ. (10-11 February 2017) Publ...



  • Mohamed-Ali Mostfa


Concilium 2017/1: Diverse Cultural and Religious Ways of Thinking

  • Thierry-Marie Courau

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Arab and islamic humour

  • Paolo Branca

First lines of the introduction "The stereotype of the grim-faced Arab brandishing a scimitar is part of our collective imagination and is the result of centuries of struggle between the two sid...