Research Group
See all Research GroupsFollowing the research work on the Document on Human Fraternity for World Peace and Common Coexistence signed by Pope Francis and the Grand Imam of al-Azhar Ahmad al-Tayyeb in Abu Dhabi on 4 February 2019, the Roman group of Pluriel Pontifical Gregorian University – PISAI wishes to continue the reflection with an interdisciplinary approach to the theme of the Mediterranean: “For a new Mediterranean. Space for dialogue and prophecies of peace”. This transversal theme, necessary also because of the diversity of our competences, takes as its starting point another important document of Pope Francis: his speech a few months later, on 21 June 2019, at the Pontifical Faculty of Theology of Southern Italy (Naples) on the occasion of the Conference “Theology after Veritatis Gaudium in the Mediterranean context”. In fact, it is said that “it is not possible to read this space [the Mediterranean] realistically unless it is in dialogue and as a bridge – historical, geographical, human – between Europe, Africa and Asia. It is a space in which the absence of peace has produced multiple regional and global imbalances, and whose pacification, through the practice of dialogue, could, on the other hand, contribute greatly to initiating processes of reconciliation and peace. The multicultural and pluri-religious reality of a new Mediterranean is shaped by renewed and shared narratives, especially between Muslims, Christians and Jews, narratives that our group would like to start elaborating.
Laurent Basanese
Official member of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Professor at the Faculty of Missiology of the Gregorian University
Valentino Cottini
Professor of Bible and Koran at PISAI, Director of the journal Islamochristiana
Andrea Mandonico
Invited Lecturer at the Centre for interreligious studies
Adnane Mokrani
Aggregate Professor at the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome), Senior Research Fellow and member of the John XXIII Foundation for Religious Studies (Fscire)
Anna Canton
D. student in Islamic, Arabic and Iranian Studies at Sapienza University and PISAI in Rome
Wasim Salman
President of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI), Rome, Italy
Diego Sarrió Cucarella
Former president of the Pontifical Institute for Arabic Studies and Islamology (PISAI) in Rome
Virgilio Sottana
Professor of Systematic Theology and Theology of Religions, Faculty of Theology of Triveneto, Padua, Italy
Federico Stella
Lecturer in Islamic philosophy at the Gregorian Centre for Interreligious Studies, Rome
Mariangela Laviano
Assistant Professor at the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies (PISAI, Rome) and Assistant Professor at the Pontifical Lateran University (PUL, Rome)
Stefano Luca
Visiting Professor of Islamology and Missiology at the Studio Teologico Interprovinciale Laurentianum in Venice
Laurent Basanese: ‘Fraternity must overcome many stages and prejudices’
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Islam in Italy: the Roman case of Jamaat al-Tabligh
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Launch of a new research group in Rome
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