
University platform for research on Islam

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For a preventive Islamic de-radicalization. The Re-Configuration of the Humanities within an inter-religious approach. (Milan)

Returning to the humanities, they are not only necessary, but crucial in promoting a de-radicalizing approach to both societies: the Islamic and the European, wondering that this research project intends to work none solely in relation to the Islamic World or the Old continent, but with both.

The idea is to create a project of preventive deradicalization of Muslim citizens and society working on a dual methodological and interdisciplinary attitude: the teaching of Islam, its history, its religious tradition, sociology etc. in parallel to that of the European western world history, culture and religious approach.

This project wants to develop a praxis of de-radicalization for Muslim European citizens, but also for Muslims within the Islamic world, rooted on a rediscovery of the humanities and in particular of their religious tradition through a historical-critical analysis of the same.


Course Synopsis  /  Essay (multi-contributors) /  Islamo-Christiana  /  Inter-religious studies


October 9th, 2019 : Conference : Religious Traditions in the Face of the Crisis of Liberal System. The Case of Islam. 

Group members

Antonio Cuciniello

Research fellow in History of Islamic Countries - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Milano.

Paolo Branca

Associated Professor of Arabic and Islam Studies - Università Cattolica, Milano.

Marco Demichelis

Researcher in Islamic studies and history of the Middle East at the Gregorian center for interreligious studies, Ponfifical Gregorian University

Michele Esposti Ongaro

Adjunct Professor in History of the Middle East, Università degli Studi dell'Insubria

Giovanni Giacalone

Professor of islam in the Balkans and Caucasus - Università Cattolica di Milano.

Paolo Gonzaga Paolo

Professor of islam and Middle East, researcher about islamist radicalization in Europe and worldwide - Università Cattolica di Milano.

Giulia Mezzetti

Researcher at the ISMU Foundation's Religions Department

Silvia Pierantoni Giua

Researcher in Psychoanalysis

Davide Tacchini

Research Fellow at Friedrich-Schiller- Universität (Jena Center for Reconciliation Studies)

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