
University platform for research on Islam

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of Catholic

Paolo Branca

Paolo Branca is professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the Catholic University of Milan. Specialized in the problems of the modern Islam-world relationship, he has published: Voices of modern Islam: Arab-Muslim thinking between renewal and tradition (Marietti, Genoa 1991), Introduction to Islam (San Paolo, Milan 1995), Muslims (Il Mulino, Bologna 2000), Il Corano (Il Mulino, Bologna 2001), Yalla Italia! The real challenges of integrating Arabs and Muslims into our country (Edizioni Lavoro, Rome 2007) and, with Barbara de Poli and Patrizia Zanella, The smile of the crescent (Carocci, Rome 2011). He translated the novel of the Egyptian Nobel Prize winner Nagib Mahfuz, Vicolo del Mortaio (Feltrinelli, Milan 1989).

Author of numerous articles on Islam, interfaith dialogue, cultural integration and other subjects, he is associated with or participated in university seminars in various institutions, including the Pontificia Universitas Urbaniana; the Institut du Monde Arabe in Paris; the Accademia della Guardia di Finanza in Bergamo; the universities of Lausanne, Pisa, Florence and Turin; and Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.

He is a member of the scientific committee of Oasis, of SeSaMo (Middle East Studies Society) of which he was a founding member and president; and the Committee for Italian Islam, created by the Ministry of the Interior.

Member of the Research group

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Italy

For a preventive Islamic de-radicalization. The Re-Configuration of the Humanities within an inter-religious approach. (Milan)

Research group held by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan.
The return to the humanities is not only necessary, but crucial for the promotion of a de-radicalising approach to both societies: the Islamic world and Europe. This research project intends to work not only in relation to the Islamic world or the Old Continent, but to both at the same time.
The aim is to create a project of preventive de-radicalisation of Muslim citizens and society, working on a double methodological and interdisciplinary axis: the teaching of Islam, its history, its religious tradition, its sociology, etc. in parallel with the religious, cultural and historical approach of the European world and the West.

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Islam in Europe (Closed)

The project aims at studying the legal statute of the Islamic communities in the EU countries.

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Member of the Research group

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Italy

Dynamics of Islamic radicalization in Europe: prevention and educational policies (Closed)

Since the “Arab Springs” breakout in 2011, Islamist radicalization in Europe progressively grew as ISIS spread violence and chaos in Iraq, Syria and Libya. The so-called “Islamic State” brought a new vision of radical Islam which tears down all ethnic, national, cultural and linguistic barriers in order to promote a totalitarian view of religion that does not tolerate any type of distinction. No difference is made, at least in theory, even between converts and Muslim-born volunteers.

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Resources related toIslam in Europe


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Religion and Democracy

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