
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Hansjörg Schmid

Born in 1972, Hansjörg Schmid is professor of interreligious ethics and director of the Swiss Center for Islam and Society (CSIS) at the University of Fribourg. A theologian by training, he studied in Freiburg im Breisgau, Jerusalem, and Basel before teaching in Stuttgart, Munich, and Salzburg.

Since 2015, he has established the CSIS, coordinating its fundamental and applied research activities, teaching, and continuing education, in collaboration with numerous partners. His work focuses on Islam in Europe and Switzerland, social ethics, and practical fields of action such as spiritual support or the prevention of radicalization.

A promoter of interdisciplinary work, he chaired the Board of the Institute of the Center for European Studies and the Environmental Sciences and Humanities Institute in Fribourg. From 2003 to 2014, he founded and directed the first network of Muslim and Christian researchers in the German-speaking world. His habilitation thesis, published in 2013, is titled “Islam in the European House.”

Member of the Research group

Centre suisse islam et société - Switzerland

Islamic-theological studies with a focus on “Islam and society” (Fribourg)

The Swiss Centre “Islam and Society” runs a doctoral programme “Islam and Society: Islamic-theological studies” designed to study specific, multidisciplinary themes and to support doctoral students in research projects related to Islamic studies and society in the Swiss context. Multidisciplinary approach It is a research and training programme with both specific and transversal themes. It […]

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