
University platform for research on Islam

Initiated by
the Federation
of European

Supported by
the International
of Catholic

Publisher : Beltz Juventa, Migration und Soziale Arbeit (ISSN 1432-6000) -


Seite 302 - 309

A Response to Public Discourse? Intracultural Islamic Social Work in a Plural Society

As the public discourse on Islam is strongly influenced by the issue of radicalisation, the topic of prevention is gaining in importance and legitimacy. While the Swiss welfare state leaves little room for the social participation of Muslim organisations, paradoxically it is at the level of prevention against radicalisation that Muslim organisations are called upon. Here the approach of intra-cultural social work is assumed. It assumes that shared religious and cultural convictions are an important resource, for example in counselling. This case study shows the possibilities and limitations of such an approach.


Comme le discours public sur l’islam est fortement marqué par la question de la radicalisation, le thème de la prévention gagne en importance et en légitimité. Alors que l’État-providence suisse ne laisse que peu de place à la participation sociale des organisations musulmanes, c’est paradoxalement au niveau de la prévention contre la radicalisation que les organisations musulmanes sont sollicitées. Ici, l’approche du travail social interculturel est assumée. Elle suppose que les convictions religieuses et culturelles partagées représentent une ressource importante, par exemple en matière de conseil. Cette étude de cas montre les possibilités et les limites d’une telle approche.

Titre original : “A Response to Public Discourse? Intracultural Islamic Social Work in a Plural Society”

بما أنّ الخطاب العامّ حول الإسلام يتأثّر إلى حدّ بعيد بمسألة التطرّف، أخذ موضوع التصدّي له يكتسبُ أهميّة وشرعيّةً متزايدتين. ففيما تركت دولة الرفاه في سويسرا حيّزاً ضئيلاً لمشاركة المنظّمات الإسلامية في الحياة الاجتماعية إلّا أنّها تدعوها إلى العملِ في مجال التصدّي للتطرّف. فهو يفترض أن المعتقدات الدينية والثقافية المشتركة هي مورد هام، على سبيل المثال في مجال الإستشارة. وتبين هذه الدراسة إمكانيات هذا النهج وحدوده.

Resources of this researcher


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Muslim Social Action in Europe: Community Engagement, Charitable Contribution, and Religious Activism in France, Switzerland, and Great Britain.

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Innovative social work practices by Islamic grassroots organizations in Switzerland

In Switzerland, specific issues related to Muslims have recently emerged in public debates. In addition to the question of radicalization, Muslim migrant populations are affected by social problems...


A Response to Public Discourse? Intracultural Islamic Social Work in a Plural Society

As the public discourse on Islam is strongly influenced by the issue of radicalisation, the topic of prevention is gaining in importance and legitimacy. While the Swiss welfare state leaves little ...


Islamic Reformist Thought in Western Europe: Zakat for Non-Muslims as an Illustration

Islamic reformism is an increasingly popular concept in Europe. However, it refers to distinct currents of thought. Baptiste Brodard proposes to explore a particular current of Islamic reformism th...

Resources related to Social work


Muslim Social Action in Europe: Community Engagement, Charitable Contribution, and Religious Activism in France, Switzerland, and Great Britain.

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Exploring Islamic Social Work. Between Community and the Common Good

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This open access book addresses, for the first time, Islamic social work as an emerging concept at the interface of Islamic thought and social sciences. Applying a multidisciplinary approach it exp...


Innovative social work practices by Islamic grassroots organizations in Switzerland

  • Baptiste Brodard

In Switzerland, specific issues related to Muslims have recently emerged in public debates. In addition to the question of radicalization, Muslim migrant populations are affected by social problems...


A Response to Public Discourse? Intracultural Islamic Social Work in a Plural Society

  • Hansjörg Schmid
  • Baptiste Brodard

As the public discourse on Islam is strongly influenced by the issue of radicalisation, the topic of prevention is gaining in importance and legitimacy. While the Swiss welfare state leaves little ...


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Islamic reformism is an increasingly popular concept in Europe. However, it refers to distinct currents of thought. Baptiste Brodard proposes to explore a particular current of Islamic reformism th...


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